Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is my life...I am married to my best friend - the man I love and adore. We have been married for 30 - almost 31 years and there has never been a dull moment! We love to laugh together. We love to spend time together - sometimes, we will just ride to the post office or to do a quick errand together because we like to be together. I am so blessed!! Really - how many married people are that crazy about each other? Over the years we have had many days apart with his job taking him all over the United States. I never look forward to him going and am always anxious to see him coming home, but we are both really ok with the separation time, too. I totally trust him and am very confident in his love for me. One time I remember thinking that the only two couples that would completely shock me by getting divorced would be my parents and us. We both know that we are complete in Jesus and that we compliment each other strongly - and both facts are what makes it work so well. It seems that every day is a new adventure when we are together. Our children and grandchildren are God's gifts to us and we love to be with them. We are so proud of them. However, they are not our only source of joy. We cautiously decided to make our number one focus on this earth, each other. Our marriage comes first, even before the children. When they grew up and left us, we were appropriately sad, but we knew life was not over. We had each other and a new journey to begin. If you came to our house you could easily find us sitting at the card table playing a strategic game together. We are competitive but really just like each other's company. When we were on a college choir tour many years ago and engaged in our first intentional conversation, I knew that I was going to marry him! It is unbelievable, but it is true. I didn't know that I loved him, but I knew that we fit like a "hand in glove" and that he was the one. I thought then, that he was perfect. I know now that he is perfect - for me. Meeting and marrying him was the beginning of a great adventure, and crazy as it is sometimes, I wouldn't want my life to be any other way!