Thursday, July 09, 2009


My sister says there is value in waiting. I have always heard this, but it is when people are not waiting that they often come up with this wisdom. Not that she is wrong, but I have found that in the midst of waiting, we don't often recognize the value. We are "waiting". I am a "doer", a multi-tasker, a visionary, a change-agent - and waiting seems just useless and a waste of time. I don't like to walk for health - not because I don't like the activity - but because it bores me. I think of the myriads of things that I could be doing instead of "walking". I don't like to go to bed at night and sleep - not because I don't need rest - but because it bores me. I am the most creative during those hours and I want to be writing about it or doing it instead of "sleeping". To sit and wait is frustrating. I know that is what we are suppose to do right now, but as I told someone a week ago - "It is all very exciting right now, but ask me in a week - by that time I'm sure it will be less exciting and I will be tired of it." It has been a week. I am growing tired of it. I am praying for endurance, humility, and patience. Yikes! I've been told that whatever you pray for, God will "teach" you! There are some mighty powerful lessons in those words! My hope is in Christ. That is what makes it all worth while. As I am waiting, He is working and I am expecting big things of Him. It makes me weak in the knees to know that He is going to use us to accomplish those big things, but I am ready to get ready!