Thursday, December 11, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014!

Christmas Letter 2014

It is Christmas 2014 – and WOW!  We have been very blessed!  King Jesus has filled our lives with His presence and He continues to make Himself known to the world and us.  As we wind down this year filled with earthly struggles and threats of war and terror, He is still on the throne and He is the victor!  Though we have suffered through the loss of loved ones near and far, He is faithful to comfort and bring peace.
As we face racial and social issues in the United States and the media bombards our television screens with fear mongering reports of hate and impending dangers, we can take comfort that King Jesus knows the truth and has everything under control.
It seems that we live in a perpetual state of political rhetoric and bashing of our government and our leaders, but God told us that if we are people who are called by His name and we turn from our wicked ways and look to Him, we will hear from Heaven and He will heal our land.  Halleluiah!  He is, indeed, still on the throne.  We will praise Him!!

                                     We will praise Him for the wonderful things He has done for us in 2014! 

                                         (Ben - 6; Asher - 8; Ari - 23 months; Ajay - 3; and Caleb - 22 months)

Mickey and Betty Gail are still amazed as He guides us deeper and deeper into a love for church planting.  We continue to put one foot in front of the other and follow the plan that He has prepared before us at Compass Church.  We dearly love the people with whom we get to do life, one on one and also as a corporate body.  We are so grateful for the opportunity to work with Compass staff and the way God has lead us together for such a time as this.  Over the past five years, we have been blessed to see Compass grow in spiritual depth and also in number.  As we close the year, we are coming off of a two-month sabbatical that Compass generously arranged for us.  We are now “refueled” and ready to see what He has planned for us next in the journey.

Aaron and Kelly Parks have certainly had an eventful year, as well.  Being parents to our two oldest grandchildren, Asher (8) and Ben (soon to be 7), and our youngest grandson, Caleb (soon to be 2) is the most important job they have, as far as we are concerned.  However, they have also been busy in career and life.  Aaron accepted a new role with Fellowship Bible NWA to lead their Children’s Ministry at their new campus in Fayetteville.  This meant a move during the summer.  They sold their home of about 10 years and moved from the neighborhood they loved to their new home in Fayetteville.  It has been a transition for the whole family, but they love living in their bigger home on a wooded 2-½ acre lot and near their church campus site.  During all of this transition, Kelly did a KickStarter campaign in which she raised enough money to complete a new album.  It will be on iTunes, possibly by the time you read this!  Although we are a little prejudice, we think this is her best work – both in writing and in performance – to date!  Unshakable God is the title and lead song.  Get your Kleenex box ready!!

Asher and Ben are at a new school and doing so well.  They have made new friends and are excelling in academics.  Asher is in GT and seems to really enjoy having extra challenges.  Ben is reading so well and seems to be gifted in many areas.  We were playing a game just a few days ago when Ben was challenged to spell the word “azalea” BACKWARDS.  Yep, he did it like a champ (and remember – he is 6 years old)!  Asher still loves anything video and Minecraft is his favorite game, by far.  He also loves, Italian dressing, pickles, and Takis.  Ben likes people.  He enjoys throwing balls and jumping and running.  He also likes video games, but “needs people” too.
Caleb is a chunk of pure sweetness. His language is exploding and he is repeating everything.  He loves his momma, his blanket, and his thumb. AND cars!  He has stolen our hearts. 

Chase and Lacey have persevered through this year in the Himalayas with Team Everest.  They have opened a coffee shop and seen it serve their community as God has provided.  They have been able to offer employment to the people with whom they live, love, and reach.  Circle Street Coffee is a Christian presence in a place where Christians have not been before.  Here, they can meet with people to talk about Jesus and show others His love.  Sometimes days are difficult living in a third world country, but God has blessed them according to His purpose.  Chase is grounded in the Tibetan language and Lacey has learned it as well.  Both speak enough Nepali to get them around their city.  In September they traveled to the US for a furlough and support raising stint.  We have been able to spend a great amount of time with them and their children, Ajay (almost 4) and Ari (almost 2).

Ajay loves anything that moves.  He loves little Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars the most.  He is loud and active – and we wouldn’t have it any other way.  He loves to hear a good story and will spin one of his own if you will sit and listen.  His bright eyes and big ears don’t miss anything!  Ari is our only little girl.  She loves cuddling a baby doll and rocking in her momma’s rocking chair.  She doesn’t hesitate to climb to the top of anything and jump off into her daddy’s arms.  She is very verbal and actually speaks with big words, often in context.  Ari has “Missy Prissy” ways and will woo with her womanly wiles, even at 23 months.  She will bat her eyelids and flash a smile when she need to – grabbing your heart.

Mimi (Mary Jane) is still alive and kicking, even though she stated about six months ago that she probably had about two months left…she hung on and got to see Chase and Lacey and their family! She has good days and rough days but enjoys her children, grandchildren and great-grand children when she gets to be with them.  She loves her church and to connect with people when she can go.  She is still a lot of fun and full of life at almost 90.  We all enjoy living in the same house and getting to eat her cornbread and beans together!

We pray that in the coming days and months each of you will realize the love and goodness of the Father and experience the relationship that He most wants to share with you.  Happiest of days and merriest of Christmases to you all!

With our Love,

Mickey and Betty Gail Jones