Sunday, June 28, 2015

What I Think...and the "like" Button

We live in a strange and tumultuous time.  It is a time when we can instantaneously see the opinions of others.  Our opinions are charged with an immediate jump to support or argue others’ opinions – driven by hot un-thought out conclusions and mindless Stepford-wife-like responses stemming from modern day clichés or the traditional American values, which have molded our thoughts. 

Our defense of our rights and the fear that they may be taken away is driving our senses and compelling our fingers to type what our lips have refused to say.  We are celebrating with complete abandon that which we can lose with a stroke of a pen.  We are calling names, pointing accusing fingers, and compromising our firm foundational beliefs – all in support of a media-driven frenzy... allowing it to control us.

I have read more explanations and reasons and responses to others’ opinions in the past two days, than ever in my life – in an effort to understand subjects that are almost as old as mankind and have never been resolved.  In more recent times past they have been hidden and swept under the rug – the butt of jokes, the shame of peoples and nations, and everyone’s worst nightmare.  Yet, here we are with them unresolved.  There have been Supreme Court rulings on them, but they are still not resolved.

I read articles that support the Supreme Court rulings and I think, “Yes, that is right.”  I start to click the “like” button, but something stops me.  I read articles that take a hard nosed view of “our Christian heritage,” and I think, “Yes, this is right.” I start to comment in agreement, but my finger freezes over the button. I don’t know if it is the fear of retribution, or the fear of being wrong – but I just can’t click that button or comment to anything anyone is saying.  I want to be reasonable and understand where my friends and Christian brothers are coming from, but I also want to make sure that I don’t regret any firm decision that I have shared with the world. 

I know my own true position – that which I think is a Biblical position and a personal position.  I just don’t know, in the long run of things, how important my position and opinion are to the listening and reading world.  Sometimes I just want to post something because I want others’ to know where I stand.  But honestly, would that be helpful or profitable for the cause of Christ, whom I represent? 

Perhaps these issues will cause more people to look to God’s Word and read more about Him.  Could it be?  He states His love better than anyone I know, if people will only take the time to read what He has said.  The Bible is its own defense.  I recently heard a woman on a panel say that as she prepared to write about the futility of the Christian faith, she was compelled to read the Bible seven times in two years and what she found was Jesus.  She claimed that she wasn’t saved from her former life - she was saved from unbelief.  Now – I can hit the “like” button for that statement!