Saturday, September 30, 2006

Waiting and trusting

We are coming to the end of two months of "waiting". We have been waiting on so many things in our lives as of late. Some of those things have come around and the wait is over - Asher was born, my broken toe is getting better, we are home now, Perspectives will survive even if we must leave - all those are good things. Other things are still hanging out there - job hunting, my mom's health, the means by which I can participate in reaching the nations. Yesterday, God added a word to what he has been telling me about "waiting". It is "trusting". So I continue - "waiting and trusting".

Monday, September 25, 2006

More About Asher...

Well, the Parks family had their first "outing" today. Asher went to see his new pediatrician. He is 7 lbs and 5 ounces - just about right for his expected weight loss and regain. He is a little "pumpkin" colored - but I think he is just trying to be seasonal. Actually, the doc said it was fairly normal for newborns and the jaundice will begin going away in the next day or two. SO, he got to sunbathe a little today - not that he needs it for his tan (he looks very much like his mommy and appears to have her beautiful skin tone). His coloring puts ME to shame! He sleeps almost all the time and only fusses a little when he is hungry. He doesn't cry and scream a lot - yet, any way. So Dundee and I will be here for a few more days and then leave him in the totally capable hands of his parents. It has been wonderful to get to be here and get to know him. We will make it a more traveled path, I'm sure! Mickey and some great friends are playing for the FCA Mini-Conference in Batesville this weekend, so we need to go home for the event. I am looking forward to that!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Asher Everett Parks

Asher and his Nanna! Isn't he beautiful?

Asher and his beautiful mother, Kelly! She did so well - like a champ!

Asher and his Dundee - that's right, Dundee!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My grandson ...

He is finally here! And he really is beautiful! His name is Asher Everett Parks and he was born on Sept. 20 at 8:13 pm. He is 7 lbs and 9 oz and 21 inches long. We went in to see him and found him in his mother's arms, all bundled up and sucking his thumb! He has a lot of hair and it is a little wavy - dark, but I don't think as dark as Kelly's was when she was born. Kelly thinks his eyes will be blue, but I think it was like looking into her eyes as a newborn - they are blue, but not a really blue blue - so who knows. One thing for sure - he definitely has Kelly's nose!! He was alert and very happy. Asher was one of the tribes of Israel and means "happy" and Everett means "strong warrior". We stood and watched them weigh him in and give him shots and measure everything possible. Aaron is such a proud father, protector, and gentle, loving husband - my God ordained, son. I want to post some pictures, but that will have to wait until tomorrow - I'm about to crash and want to go see him early tomorrow!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

September the 19th is just minutes away! If our grandson should happen to be born on the 19th, we would have another reason to celebrate on that day each year - he would be born on "Talk Like a Pirate Day"!! I have been talking about having a party on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" all year long and wouldn't it be just grand if we got to have a "pirate" birthday party every year? If he comes on that day, Mickey and I are going to wear eye patches and bandannas to the birthing!! We are thinking about bringing him a little patch, too. HA! So, the low down, maties, is that the little high seas ruffian hasn't kicked his way into the cruel world to receive his booty yet - so, shiver me timbers - if he does, we'll send ye all a note in a bottle!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not Yet, still

It is Sunday night and we are in Lowell. Mickey is snoring and I am AWAKE!! Kelly is a beautiful full nine months pregnant and Aaron is an anxious father. When we arrived, Kelly was dressed up to go to her 7th grade girls' group meeting. She was wearing her favorite "blue" maternity top and a cute blue jean skirt. She looks ready to pop! I don't know if I will EVER sleep - I keep listening for sounds of movement in the other part of the house. Any way, we are here! I called on my way today and asked to speak to my grandson- Kelly put the phone up to him and I told him that it will be ok for him to come now - I am here! I will post as soon as he complies!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I thought I would post once before "he" comes!! Mickey is snoring and I am "waiting"! We are so excited about the birth of our first grandchild - grandson!! We can't wait to meet him and know his name. Kelly and Aaron have chosen to keep that to themselves until they can "introduce" him to us. We will get the call first, because we are so far away. I don't want her labor to be long - just long enough for us to get there (4 hours, give or take). If he doesn't come by the weekend, we are thinking that we will go ahead and go to NWarkansas so that we can be there, for sure. Keep checking back each day - we will post from Kelly's house about all the details - and hopefully a picture or two!!

Nanna and Dundee (that's right - Mickey and Aaron are planning on teaching him "Dundee", Mickey's golf course name)