Friday, November 10, 2006

LIfe's twists

I am a "myspacer" and a "blogger", too. I spent some time this morning just sitting at the computer doing those two things. I love to follow the "comment" trail. It is fun when I find people whom I had lost and read about their lives. Sometimes it is joyful - sometimes not so much. Anyway, I have observed something that I would like to discuss here. In my searching, I have found at least two young Christian men who have made dramatic lifestyle changes since I last saw them. They are of different generations and don't know each other. I would love to sit long and talk much with them. These young men were very actively involved with their local church as young people - sold out to Christ, if you will. As they grew up and had different experiences, they began searching for something more. In the world, both found what they felt they had always been looking for. They are both now, out of the closet and living in gay relationships. One is what I would call, almost a "militant" gay man and the other embracing his new found life in "extravagance". Both have left the traditional church setting yet neither has renounced his relationship with Christ. Not that it matters, but I do believe that each of them made a commitment to Christ and that it can not be ripped away because of the sin that they have allowed into their lives. I believe we are saved by grace and that actions can not change that. (I know some will disagree with me - but so be it) The thing that has astounded me the most is that both young men have a circle of Christian friends who apparently support them in their life decision. I am just trying to figure out if tolerance has crept into the world and sneaked into the hearts of Christians without our being aware. I am not suggesting that these young men should be ostracized or abandoned, I just wonder if any Christian friend has confronted, in love, what they are choosing as sin. It breaks my heart that on their blogs and myspace page they boldly portray their new found lives and loves and everyone is commenting with "good for you's" and "hope you're happy's" and "I love you, anyway's", but I don't see any comments of "I'm praying for you" or "let's talk". I hope there is more accountability than what I am seeing in these comments. Yes, love them - also, love them enough to pray for them and let them know you recognize their choices as sin and hold them accountable. I really don't think that blogging or myspace is the place for deep conversation. Hopefully, I am barking up the wrong tree and in the privacy of personal conversation that has been done.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I would like to talk to you. I have discovered for some reason this semester a struggle with how to handle this exact situation. I don't have any friends, that I know of who have decided that lifestyle, however there is a struggle among Christians on how to handle this life style. Well at least some Christians I know my age. It is a difficult situation to handle and approach. Anyways I just thought I would right a comment to let you know (at least from my perspective) their is a struggle for me on how to handle a situation like this.