Friday, November 14, 2014

Thoughts about Heaven

I was driving by those lovely big old homes on Main Street and began to dream about living in one of them.  I have always loved them.  I think it would be so much fun to research the history of a home, remodel it and live in it.  I know that the cost of maintaining one would be way beyond my means and probably my patience, too, and so I sigh.  I think I might have said out loud, "Lord, if it is true that we will live in mansions in Heaven, could mine be one of these old houses?"  I laughed, probably out loud again, at myself.  That is where my conversation with God about Heaven began that day.  I asked a series of questions that will only be answered in that sweet by and by.

I began to think about the things I really like to do or wish I could do.  Books like Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" and Randy Alcorn's "Heaven" seem to suggest that we are "practicing" here on earth for eternity.  Essentially, do what you like to do and are drawn to here on earth, because it may very well be something you get to do and perfect in Heaven - for eternity.  I'm not sure I buy into that philosophy, but none-the-less, I began to develop my Heavenly "bucket list" anyway.

I think I would enjoy refinishing furniture if I had the space in which to do it, the skills and tools, the money and the time.  I would like to learn to throw pottery, too.  I think I would enjoy sitting around a quilting table (but maybe not - I probably would just want one of my own).

I would like to live in 70 - 75 degree weather all the time, with a gentle rain falling for about an hour each day.  Once each week I would like to have a wild thunderstorm.  I would like to have an outdoor fire pit without the fear of snakes and bother of bugs hanging around, by which to sit and reflect upon the day's events.

I would like to have a garden that grew big tomatoes. corn, okra, cucumbers and was tended by my Uncle GT.  I would like to have a huge yard with big elephant ears and wild flowers and plants of all kinds which was tended by my daddy and his mother.  I would like for them to grow herbs and hot peppers in one corner.  I would like to have a green lawn with yard games placed strategically for play and a nice hard surface for play, as well.

I would like to see people that I know and love well - family and friends, meet people that I've never known but have heard about, and meet new people who have great stories to share.  I would like very much to sit long and talk much.

I can't wait for the Banqueting Table.  Oh, how I dream of such a thing.  I would like to have all sweets to start with.  I also hope to see my momma in the kitchen cooking with her momma - pinto beans and cornbread, milk potatoes, and raisin pie.  It just doesn't get better than that!  Of course, there would be room for those fresh veggies straight from my garden, as well.

I want to sit back and watch the peoples of the world.  I want to see their cultural dances and practices and native dress.  I want to hear them speaking their own language and making music in their own way.  I want to live among them, as they have lived on earth, to learn their ways.  I want to hear their stories of how they came to know Jesus.

I want to fly.  I want to swim to the bottom of the clear blue waters of the ocean and see exotic fish and strange creatures.  I want to ride motorcycles and feel the wind in my face.  I want to play in the rain and squish my toes in a muddy creek.

I look forward to rubbing my feet together and feeling the wonderful sensation that I am missing now.  I want long dark hair, dark skin and dark eyes, with a white toothy smile for a while.  I want to hold my hand out steadily.

I want to play the piano masterfully.  I want to sing - in a choir, solos, duets, and on a praise team.  I can't wait to hear the harmonies and melodies.  I want to play in a marching band, too.  I've never been a very good dancer, but I would really like to experience that, as well - with my high school friends (all of them).  It would be so much fun to be in a Broadway play or musical - and have the lead role.  After all of this, I would really like to direct a children's choir in a musical once more.  Not just any children's choir, but one comprised of the children whom I worked with formerly.

OK - of course, I will need a very large round table in my house.  It will sit in my very large game room.  We will have a very long, very large Settlers game (or maybe just a whole lot of them, back to back).  Our table will be open to anyone who wants to learn but we will also have time for those who have mastered the game while on earth.  The wall will have shelves and shelves of games (which we might never play but need in case we decide to play something else).

All of the clothes that are in my closet will be comfortable.  Blue jeans and T-shirts and comfy sweatshirts.  I would have a dresser full of new socks all the time - or just one pair that never wears out or gets old.  No make-up or hair product would ever be necessary.

Most of all, I want my children and grandchildren to surround me and Mickey.  I want my family - siblings, nephews and nieces, in-laws, aunts and uncles and cousins - to live in nearby houses.  I would love for my mom and dad to live on one side of us and Mickey's mom and dad to live on the other side.

That all being said, I want to want Jesus more than any of this.  I want to be so awe-struck that I can only bow with my face to the ground but yet I must look up because I can't get enough of His face.  I want the feeling that He is looking only at me and speaking only to me, yet I am surrounded by others who feel that He is only looking and speaking to them.  "Holy, holy, holy" will be all that comes from my mouth and I will be satisfied completely.

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