Thursday, January 01, 2015

Unshakable God - A Review of Kelly Parks' new CD


Ahhh…quiet!  And finally time to sit and listen!  I pulled up “Unshakable God”, my preview copy of Kelly Parks’ new album, sat down with a cup of coffee, and tapped out the play button.  I’ve had it for several days, but with the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and people all around, I could only mildly enjoy it as background music.  I needed to hear it – the words, the intent, the melodies and harmonies, the instruments – my girl’s attempt at communicating what lies deep within and only comes spewing out in the form of an album every few years.  So then, here it is!
Although my reviews could be considered slightly biased and tainted due to the fact that I’m her mother, as her number one fan, I beg you to bear with me.

First of all, I must say this of the album – this is her very best work.  Her writing skills have been honed and her collaboration with others has paid off.  She is in her prime vocally.  She is strong and yet controlled and her voice is that of an angel!  OK – well, it is most excellent!

The lead song, “Unshakable God”, wasn’t the first one chosen.  As she and her producer worked together on the album, it became clear that the lead song had to be this one.  Although pictures had been taken and graphics already set for another song, the change was made.  It was the right decision.  “Unshakable God, unbreakable Promise Keeper”…this song is about the faithfulness of our Father.  It comes from the depths of experience with “our rock, undeniable anchor in the storm”.  It is an upbeat reminder of who He is.

“Momma It’s Beautiful” – get out your hankies!  Little Caleb Clifton was born to this 30-something momma after two older boys 15 months apart and then a string of foster children.  This song tugs at the heartstrings about the journey of a little boy who found a beautiful shell which caught his eye, then had his hands on the wheel of a 4X4 – his first vehicle, and finally “I’m gonna bring her home, she sparkles like the sun…” You get the idea!

No matter where we have been in our lives, His love beacons us to “let it go” and be aware that our “river runs to You.”  “Carve my path until I reach the end” is a comforting line that serves as a reminder that he is the One to whom our rivers run in “My River Runs to You”.

“The Word of God Will Rise” is a powerful song and strong reminder that no matter what our society does or says, God’s Word and Scripture are secure.  Nothing can “bring it down, bury it deep in the ground…” because “it will rise, up from the ashes…no one can silence”.  This is the song that will shore up uncertainties of your faith in a world where truth is being maligned and undermined.  It brings hope and courage to our weary souls.

In this album you discover Kelly’s versatility and eclectic style of writing and performing.  “What I Don’t Wanna Hear” hits home about keeping one another accountable in love.  It is an easy coffee shop type setting song where two friends meet and do life together.  Perfect for today’s young people in a community-based relationship.  It could easily be used in any setting.

This raw song with a bluesy raspy sound delights me!  “Excuse Me, Excuses” In it she calls out the excuses “living in my head for way too long.”  Excuses are referred to as “a con man”.  “Excuse me, but you don’t get to boss me around…”  “You choked out my chances…”  “…opportunity knocks today.”  Fun and flirty with a message of redemption and redirecting life! 

I called Kelly to get the scoop on this song.  It is an emotionally riveting song for me.  Kelly gets inspiration from several sources when she writes but usually there is a word, a story, a phrase that sticks with her to form lyrics around.  This song was born from the word of a mother whose child had gone to Heaven, following his funeral.  Kelly had sung at several funerals with especially difficult situations and “In a Moment” came from feelings and thoughts surrounding that hard season.  She also said that some of it was put together during the last days of my dad’s life and that of her uncle, who passed in the same year.  “In a Moment” is a nod to the difficulties of life and death, however is meant to be a message of ultimate hope.  Again, get your Kleenex box out!

“Throwing Rocks”, again showcasing her versatility, you will enjoy this fun, upbeat trumpet-filled parody of a pack of rocks representing burdens, which have been carried far too long.  “I’m throwing rocks with all my might…skipping twice…sink to the bottom of the lake” – just a few lines that are a peek into Kelly’s past, having spent a lot of time throwing rocks with her boys and skipping rocks with her dad!
It is a song about getting free from all those worrisome things that we pick up and carry, when just unloading them brings sweet release!

“His Hands” was written as a tribute to those hard working men who live among us.  Often they are viewed as cold or reclusive because of their quiet nature or inability to communicate effectively verbally or emotionally.  The song challenges us “to get at the story that lies at the heart of this man, you gotta’ look at his hands.”  The original idea of the song came from Kelly’s brother-in-law’s reference to his own daddy’s hands at his dad’s funeral. 

Our first baby girl was Kelly’s foster daughter.  We fell in love with this little chubby faced precious girl who quickly endeared herself to us.  The time came for her to leave our family and Kelly and Aaron both learned what it was to experience love and loss.  “Balm to My Broken Soul” was penned as a response to the grief and healing that Kelly experienced during the days following.  She found solace in God’s Word as it healed and soothed her deepest hurts.  It is a simple rendition with guitar and vocals that finish out the album perfectly.

SO – GO BUY IT!!  It will soon be on iTunes for a quick upload!  Contact Kelly (or me) directly for a packaged hard copy of the CD (the best way to support her ministry).  iTunes will be $10, copy from Kelly is $12 and if you want a hard copy shipped - $15.50, I believe.

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