Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Daily Random Experiences

Sometimes life is just random. Things pop up from nowhere and sometimes they send you reeling and sometimes they make you jump up and down. I have had several random experiences in the last couple of days. One was an extreme irritation, one was an expected mixed-feeling surprise, and one was a delight. The irritation involved one person taking things too far. (How does climbing a building and shooting off fireworks equal the punishment of 60 hours of community service, a hundred dollar fine and campus suspension in a real world?) Now I'm not saying that no correction was deserved, just that it was over the top. This authority has gone over the top before, and there doesn't seem to be any thought of restoration as a part of the discipline - actually because it isn't discipline. It is punishment. THAT is what irritates me. The second random thing was an expected surprise. Now I know that is an oxymoron but it describes the experience. A friend is preparing to leave and pursue a different life. It was expected because nothing in life remains the same (except Jesus). It was a surprise because of the stepped up intensity in plans. I hate it when people leave my everyday life - but I love it when people pursue life with a passion. The last thing was the delight someone brought me. It was the reconnection with some old friends. Because of email, blogs and taking a shot in the dark, we were able to reconnect. Even though our lives have been separate for a long time, God has brought them back together in His time. Both of our children are in the same area of the world doing the same work. They will actually be in the same city in just a couple of weeks and probably - they will connect. So much emotion in so little time. Can't wait to see what today brings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your cryptic blog has left me very curious. I know who the first person is and I share a common distaste for this woman that I have never met. I cannot for the life of me figure out the next two. I have some guesses. Well, I'm glad they inspired your blog. Bravo by the way for figuring out how to put your own together. They're a lot of fun aren't they!