Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stuck in Springtime

One of my favorite memories is of a day in the spring, a few years ago, when both of my daughters were at home. It began to pour rain - a quick spring shower - with no lightning or wind. We all looked at each other and with hardly a word, quickly took off our shoes and ran out into the front yard. We made a dash for the ditch across the street and put our feet in the muddy, swift flowing stream it had quickly become. Not long after, as the rain slowed down and the sun reappeared, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. For me, it was bliss.

Today was one of those memory making days - only this time, I was on my own. It poured buckets full of rain. I have been trying to walk every day - even though I hate to walk - I know it is good for me - I just hate to do it, but not today. Everything was so fresh and alive. The trees were full of singing, happy birds, the ditches were full of rushing water which turned them into babbling brooks, and the scent of honey suckle in the air was delicious. Every sense in my body was standing at attention. I stopped and listened to the water as it gushed up on the rocks in a miniature imitation of a giant wave smashing against a seaside cliff. I walked slowly some times looking straight up to behold the clouds breaking up, revealing the blue sky and escaping sunbeams. As I walked by a pasture full of horses, even though I don't like horses, I stopped to watch a mother corral her colt, on wobbly legs, and head it in the right direction. Three daises were growing on the roadside by the fence, and I thought about picking them but decided to leave them. It just seemed that I didn't want to disturb anything and mess up the moment. As I rounded a corner, the sweetest aroma caught my attention. It reminded me immediately of something from the past. A rabbit bolted and hopped away. It was honey suckle - and not just a little of it. I don't know if the rain had beaten on it and released the abundant aroma or what, but I stopped, closed my eyes and just enjoyed it's fragrance for a little while. My mouth watered as I remembered plucking honey suckle, ever so long ago, and biting off the end hoping to catch a few drops of the sweet juice on the end of my tongue. How tempted I was to recreate that childhood memory. About that time I heard a familiar "plop" in the water that stood between the vine and me. I knew it was a happy frog, but something about the possibility of a snake crossed my mind and I decided to move on. After walking through puddle after puddle on the hard pavement, I coaxed myself to return to my apartment and give my tired feet a rest. What a glorious few minutes I had spent. Sometimes I would just like to get stuck in springtime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today. I miss our talks. Maybe we can catch up soon. Hope all is well.
Melanie Treat