Monday, April 17, 2006

Thirty years ago...

April 17, 1976 is a great historical day. On that day, thirty years ago, Mickey and I had our first date. People think I am crazy when I say this, but it is true. I knew that day that I was going to marry him. Now, I wasn't in love with him, necessarily - we just fit. It was like a hand in glove. He had all of the character traits that I desired in a life long partner and friend. He complimented me. We both were already complete in Christ and so we were not looking for being "whole", just for someone with whom to walk the journey. That doesn't sound very romantic, I know - but we were not lacking in that department either. Some day I will write about the first time we said, "I love you" to each other. (Something to do with a leaf falling from a tree at just the right moment - I still have the leaf!) I honestly thought he was perfect. I couldn't find anything that I didn't like about him. Thirty years later, I know he is not perfect but I still don't find much that I don't like about him. On our first date, we went to a movie and then to my house. Pete and Jeannie Whitener were there, too. Mickey juggled oranges for me and accidentally made a perfect hoop through one of Mom's lamp shades. I was attracted to his ability to do or try to do almost anything. I met his family very soon. His father treated his mother like a queen. I knew he would do the same for me. What can I say? He still twangs my buds, like no other!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what my "buds" are, and I'm even less sure what it's like to have them "twanged".