Monday, May 29, 2006

Blue Man Group

Our last day in Chicago, we planned a "free" day. We all got on the subway and went to downtown Chicago. We found the visitors center and everyone chose an activity to do for the afternoon and evening. Our friend, Justin Walden, wanted to go back to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs/Braves play and so Mickey and I went with him. It just seems right that when in Chicago, you should see a little baseball!! Everyone else went to the "Million Dollar Mile" shopping strip and sight seeing and the Surgical Museum. It was a good afternoon. The Braves came back to win in the 9th inning. It was just funny to see the fans turn on their boys so quickly!! AND THEY DID!!

We went and ate some Chicago-style Pizza (which was actually, pretty bad - our choices were probably not the best!) and then on to the Briar Theatre to see The Blue Man Group! You know, the men painted blue all over that were featured in the Cingular commercial?? It was AWESOME, at the risk of using and old, overused word! The show consists of a small, but great, band of a bassist, a guitarist, and a drummer, as well as three men covered in blue, head to toe, wearing brown tunics, and a videographer. The blue men are center stage and play drums and other crazy rhythm instruments - sometimes, as they pour bottles of paint on them causing them to spray all over the front rows of the audience. The front rows are dressed in plastic coverings. The show is a totally interactive attempt to include the audience in the process of creating art in all forms (drama, modern art, sculptures, comedy, music - and this list doesn't even cover it!). We were on the back row, so we were in charge of "toilet paper" - now, I am not going to spoil it for you by telling you what that means!! It was great fun and I highly recommend seeing it!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006


First I must say, "I'm sorry". I just realized that the pictures have not been downloaded to my computer yet and I just can't do it right now. Wedding pictures - later.

OK, so Mickey and I left the wedding in the late afternoon on Saturday and arrived in Chicago at about 4:00 am. Mark had two couches cleared for us to drop into when we came in. He met us at the door of the church and we didn't waste any time finding our places. If you know me, you know that I still didn't sleep! It was all so strange and Mickey began sleeping immediately and SNORING loudly - I felt so sorry for everyone, that I felt it my duty to shake him every few minutes to keep him from getting too loud. You see, there were thirteen of us and all thirteen people were on air mattresses and couches in the same room - sleeping. That night we all bonded, pretty well. We actually had a snoring symphony going on with some talking, groaning and "whee-ing" mixed in (not to mention the unmentionable gas passing that happens to you unaware in the middle of the night!) The next morning I made it very clear that even though it was a small church, we did have other room choices and I would be making one for the next night for MYSELF. I also chose one for Mickey - far away from everyone else. Eventually, every snorer and noise maker was kicked out of the main room or left by choice.

So, a little about the church - they call themselves C3 - Chicagoland Community Church. They are a small church in the inner city of Chicago. They cater to the "Post modern" communities around them which is actually "Post Christian" as well. It is a difficult ministry. Two blocks from the church is where the homosexual community gathers - they own shops, provide entertainment, and support the transvestites and homosexual communities. There are rainbows on everything on the street. Two blocks in another direction is the "Goth" communities gathering place. You find the same thing there - they own shops, provide entertainment and support the Goth community. Surrounding the church are beautiful old restored homes and also new architecturally appropriate new homes. Most of them are "flats" and rented or sold separately from one another. This is where the "yuppies" live. The housing is expensive and much desired by these young professionals. There are some homeless, and quite a few run aways on the surrounding streets, too. So, as you can see, we were totally out of our element - challenged to completely leave our comfort zone!

We would sleep on blow up air mattresses, shower in the ONE shower available, and lock ourselves in and out of the building each time we came or went any where.

Pastor Jon Pennington had so many prayer requests when we asked him. He is a man with a huge amount on his plate! He juggles all of those communities and also has another church which shares the building - which has a totally different vision for their ministry than C3.

I really could write a play by play of all the things that happened this week, but you would almost have to be there to get the full impact. Each day, we did maintenance on the church (painted their sanctuary and bathrooms), found a park where we took our puppet shows and played with preschoolers, played Frisbee and basketball with the teenagers, and surveyed any one who would allow us to. It was a full and wonderful week and I am very tired. I am going to go to bed now, but stick around tomorrow or then next day - I want to tell you about the "Blue Man Group", which we saw! Awesome!!

Wedding number 2

We attended the wedding of our niece, Jennifer, last weekend. I helped Brenda a little on Friday with last minute preparations. Coletta, Mickey's sister and Kelly and Aaron arrived on Friday evening and it was fun spending time with them. Kelly had been to the doctor for her "find-out-what-the-baby-is" ultra sound. Bless the little dickens heart, already the baby is turning to Jesus - I can't say "he" or "she" because the baby was in praying position!! Baby Parks had the knees completely together and was modestly not going to change positions for anyone! They will try again in four weeks, but I am not getting my hopes up! (I still think it is a boy!)

Any way, Jennifer's and Kyle's wedding was very beautiful and I think just what the mothers and the couple wanted - the only people that matter, you know. Jenn had a gorgeous form fitted strapless gown with a chapel length train (I think). Her veil was fingertip length (I think). She was beautiful! There was a LOT of pink at the wedding - hot pink. The groomsmen wore black tuxes with hot pink accessories (OH, yes, they did!) There were pink flowers, pink bridesmaid dresses, pink bows, and even a pink light in the baptistery! It was lovely - and pink. By the way, Sarah was in the wedding and looked beautiful, too - in her pink dress!

The reception was at the church with cake, punch and a fruit table with a white chocolate fountain. Now the great thing was, the wedding began at 2:00 pm at Muldrow, Oklahoma and their honeymoon flight left Fort Smith, Arkansas at 4:50 pm. The wedding was about 35 minutes long and the reception was a quick eating of the cake and drinking the punch and a few "glad you cames" ending with a changed bride and groom running to the car under a rain shower of white bird seed (cup fulls, thank you). We don't know yet if they made it or not, but I must say, they were certainly brave for trying. All in all, it was good food, good family, and good fun and now they are Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Price.

Quick as a wink the family and friends cleaned up the reception hall and the sanctuary for the next morning. We could have almost made the 4:50 flight!! I am going to try to post a couple of pics, but don't cry if it doesn't work! Mickey and I headed toward Chicago - I will blog more about it separately - check it out!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Late Nights and Life Goes On

In the last month, I have had so many people look at me with "long faces", as my mother would say, and ask caringly, "So, you are really empty nesting, now. Right? How are you?" It kind of makes me giggle inside - every night (almost) during the last week we have had a table full of college students and new grads gathered 'round - who by the way, stayed past midnight. Last night we had six at the table and another five or six in the living room, just hanging out. Empty nesting? I'm not sure we know what that is yet. God has filled our lives richly and kept us busy with lots of young people and we are grateful.

We do miss Lacey in our every day lives. We talked to her today over "Skype". It was one of the clearest connections that we have had to date. Mickey has always made her laugh a lot. She laughed so much today - and it was so good to hear. At one point he had to tell her to stop laughing long enough to hear what he was saying (there is a sort of weird delay). Just as we had gotten warmed up though, the "prince of the power of the air" interrupted us. We got cut off and couldn't ever regain a connection. The worst part about that is not getting to say "goodbye" and "I love you" - no real closure to the conversation. Maybe I will just start out the conversation with that from now on.

Kelly is feeling the baby move a lot these days and Aaron finally got to feel it kick. She is not as sick as before and is beginning to really need the maternity clothes - but still mixing regular in sometimes, too. We get to know what the baby is on Friday this week! I'm going to say it here - I think it is a boy. Why? I don't know - I just am guessing and I think it is a boy. We will see them this weekend at Jennifer Jones' (our niece) wedding.

Following the wedding, we will drive all night to Chicago! Next week we will be with about 10 college students on mission trip at an inner-city church in Chicago. We are very excited about it. Mickey and I will get there in time for our own Sunday morning service that we plan to have on the lake somewhere. We will be doing all kinds of things (serving in a soup line, maintenance around the church and neighborhood, beach/park ministry to children, marketing-outreach (I think we are going to have a lemonade stand) and other things. We so look forward to the trip.

Perspectives is over. We had our celebration night, last night. It was great to hear the testimonies of what Perspectives has meant in the students' lives and how they will use what they have learned. I am excited for the next step.

With all of that, I guess I will spend my summer going to weddings. Tim and Jacklyn were the first to be married this past weekend. The wedding was beautiful (although the only way I know that is because Mickey and I crashed it - we weren't invited, as no one outside the immediate family was). It was in Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs beside a waterfall, which along with the birds provided the music. Yes, Tim did get a little "wet" eyed and so did Jacklyn. We wish them a long and happy life together.

OK - since I am really tired and Mickey has given the snoring a rest for the last few minutes, I think I will go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow getting ready for our trip.

Monday, May 08, 2006

On the brink of a new generation

About 9 years ago, we moved back to Batesville. Kelly was 17 and Lacey was 14. That is when our world as we know it today, came into existence. We lived in a house with a big back room, just perfect for teenage entertaining. The first of our regulars were Kyle Barnhill, Clint Crain, and on occasion Kevin Combs along with Cindy and Amy Woolf, Emily Baker, and Haley Butler. Scores of others began appearing regularly. Tim Meitzen and his girlfriend Carma would show up sometimes, along with Daren Neely - First Baptist's youth director, and Landon Wehrung with Bethany Klonowski. There were random homecoming and prom dates such as Ryan Scoggins, Ryan Reveley, Alex Jeffrey, Robert Garrison, Joel Goodin, Eric Long and Jonathan Bunch who made appearances (taking one of the five girls). During Kelly's Senior year at Batesville David Manning and Matt Middlecamp surfaced to join the already long established Leah Cooper and John Redmond. At some point, Lacey brought home, her now long time friend, Tim Byers. There were several other soccer players and foreign exchange students who graced our home, too. Mark Davis and TJ Stroud attended a few open parties and some chicken spaghetti dinners during those days. Ozlem became a vital part of our lives during her stay in America, and remains much like a daughter, even today. Life long church friends, Angie Appleget and Gloria Gatlin were there for church parties and special events. In her Sophomore year, Lacey met and introduced us to Brandon Smart, Stephen Settles, and Micah Dailey who brought along Joe Young. Patty Gordon and Brian Hirschey were two more who were seen around our house during Lacey's Senior year in High School. Some time in there, probably during the time we hosted a Senior High Bible Study in our home, Holly Moody, Jennifer Hawkins, Jessica Middleton and Pam Nuckolls, showed up. We also became aquainted with the other Klonowski girls, Alexis and Jesse. Chris McIlravy and Sam Nuckolls, who were a little older, became connections that we made mostly through associational meetings and camps. Then of course there was always Jackie Martin, my niece, who truly belongs to us and spent an amazing amount of time with us. Julie Whitener, Jon David and Kristy Parker, and Jacob Martin didn't spend as much time at our house, but were still important to our family. I am sure that I have left someone, probably very important, off the list as I am thinking back over the years. At any rate, we have seen a lot of young people grow up and been blessed to be a part of their lives. Many of these named here are now married, some with children of their own, or graduated from college and starting new careers. We don't see them as much as we used to. Some, we don't see at all any more. Some of the ones that we really spent a lot of time with, still come around when they are in Batesville. What a joy to hear about their successes and even their failures that have caused them to grow. Most of them are successful adults now. Even as I write this, and have a bitter sweet nostalgic feeling, I am excited about the next wave - the next generation. From our tiny little apartment last night, I locked the door at midnight as I watched five new graduates - college bound students - leave my house.