Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Late Nights and Life Goes On

In the last month, I have had so many people look at me with "long faces", as my mother would say, and ask caringly, "So, you are really empty nesting, now. Right? How are you?" It kind of makes me giggle inside - every night (almost) during the last week we have had a table full of college students and new grads gathered 'round - who by the way, stayed past midnight. Last night we had six at the table and another five or six in the living room, just hanging out. Empty nesting? I'm not sure we know what that is yet. God has filled our lives richly and kept us busy with lots of young people and we are grateful.

We do miss Lacey in our every day lives. We talked to her today over "Skype". It was one of the clearest connections that we have had to date. Mickey has always made her laugh a lot. She laughed so much today - and it was so good to hear. At one point he had to tell her to stop laughing long enough to hear what he was saying (there is a sort of weird delay). Just as we had gotten warmed up though, the "prince of the power of the air" interrupted us. We got cut off and couldn't ever regain a connection. The worst part about that is not getting to say "goodbye" and "I love you" - no real closure to the conversation. Maybe I will just start out the conversation with that from now on.

Kelly is feeling the baby move a lot these days and Aaron finally got to feel it kick. She is not as sick as before and is beginning to really need the maternity clothes - but still mixing regular in sometimes, too. We get to know what the baby is on Friday this week! I'm going to say it here - I think it is a boy. Why? I don't know - I just am guessing and I think it is a boy. We will see them this weekend at Jennifer Jones' (our niece) wedding.

Following the wedding, we will drive all night to Chicago! Next week we will be with about 10 college students on mission trip at an inner-city church in Chicago. We are very excited about it. Mickey and I will get there in time for our own Sunday morning service that we plan to have on the lake somewhere. We will be doing all kinds of things (serving in a soup line, maintenance around the church and neighborhood, beach/park ministry to children, marketing-outreach (I think we are going to have a lemonade stand) and other things. We so look forward to the trip.

Perspectives is over. We had our celebration night, last night. It was great to hear the testimonies of what Perspectives has meant in the students' lives and how they will use what they have learned. I am excited for the next step.

With all of that, I guess I will spend my summer going to weddings. Tim and Jacklyn were the first to be married this past weekend. The wedding was beautiful (although the only way I know that is because Mickey and I crashed it - we weren't invited, as no one outside the immediate family was). It was in Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs beside a waterfall, which along with the birds provided the music. Yes, Tim did get a little "wet" eyed and so did Jacklyn. We wish them a long and happy life together.

OK - since I am really tired and Mickey has given the snoring a rest for the last few minutes, I think I will go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow getting ready for our trip.

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