Sunday, July 02, 2006


I am experiencing restlessness in my heart. I am not sure exactly how to explain the feeling. In fact, it makes writing this entry almost impossible. I have started over several times. For the past couple of weeks, I have been given so much "bad news". I don't know how else to put it. Some of it is life threatening (not mine - friends and family), some of it heart-breaking, some of it life-changing (again, not mine - friends and family)... Much of it weighs on my heart heavily. Yet in all of this, I am personally pretty much at peace. I think that is my conflict. People all around me are being affected by burdens and I am just gliding along - not exceptionally happy or giddy, but just, as I said, at peace. I'm grateful that my personal life is not full of drama right now, but I still ache for my friends and family who are experiencing it daily. OK - I'm done. I wanted to go back and erase my ramblings because I am not making sense, even to myself - and so I am finished. I think I will just praise God because He is good!

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