Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Day...New Look...

OK...I am trying this again. It is a cool winter Sunday afternoon, Mickey is watching football, and I am trying to figure out the new "blogger". Hope that I did everything right and that it will be easier to do now. I always forget what to do in between times.

Mickey and I started working on "healthier living" a couple of months ago. It is working! For the first time in our lives, it is really working. His goal was to lose weight and by doing so, help control his high blood pressure. My goal was better blood sugar control. At Christmas, he had lost 30 pounds and I was removed from all the insulin I was taking! We know that it means a huge life change to maintain it! Christmas was a little hairy with company and going and coming, but we are back into full swing again and seeing good results. I still have some hard work ahead...walking and losing 20 more pounds by May...that is my goal. Mickey just seems to look at lettuce and the weight falls off of him!! Really, for the most part, he is so disciplined and consistent! Sometimes, I just WANT candy or sweets - or something different - or to NOT have to eat at home. I just keep reminding myself of my precious grand babies and of my dream to take Jesus name to foreign lands and then I am back to celery and carrots (which, I love, by the way - it's a good thing!)

The Vision Team's work is coming to an end. That is a team which has been meeting for over a year with the purpose of developing a new vision for our church to follow. It has been a long process with a weekly all night Monday night meeting and lots of praying, talking, listening and following. The church will vote on whether to follow the recommendations of the committee next week. We are praying for an overwhelming response and that the church will be on board. We need to see our people willing to make changes that will allow our church to grow and flourish together as the body of Christ and all for His glory.

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is starting up! We are excited to be offering the college level course in Batesville and to co-coordinate the class with our dear friends, Sheril and Donna Middleton. This will be our fourth semester to offer the class at First Baptist. We have an awesome team and have the BEST instructors lined up to present the lessons with a heart of God! We will be meeting on Monday nights for 15 weeks and so it is a good thing that the Vision Team's work is coming to an end!

Family is all well. Mom and Dad are in relatively good health and such a pleasure to live above and share life with! Kelly is "living her dream" as she says - staying home with Asher and Ben and doing housewife and mommy type things. She is an incredible mother and an unbelievable singer/songwriter and now recorder/producer of her own music! Aaron is the best dad that I know...very interested in the lives of his children and seeing that his family is taken care always finding new interests and hobbies that fit well into life's plan and don't take away from family time. Asher is in a new "big boy bed" and loves it! I'm not sure I'm ready to see him moving out of the "baby" stage so quickly, but also, want him to mature and grow and have a productive life for Jesus. Ben is learning to won't be long until he takes off and then, before I know it, he too will be in a "big boy bed"! I'm not really sure what God is doing in Lacey and Chase's lives right now. They seem to be set on "go", yet no wheels are in motion. Once again, I will struggle with letting them go, yet knowing that they must and my inner soul desiring it for them and the sake of the Kingdom. I am truly blessed!

So, what is up for me this year? Right now, I will continue to mobilize and pray for as many college students and Perspectives students to get a word from God about how they will impact the Kingdom with their lives. I will continue to look to God for guidance on getting healthier and staying on track...because I will fail without Him! I will pray for how He will lead me and Mickey in the coming months and years in Church and in global work for the Kingdom. Right now, there is a lot of listening and waiting to be done.

It is good to see it in print...for those of you who said you "miss me" on Nanna's Nonsense, hope this is the beginning of a new love affair with words and musings...see you again soon.

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