Thursday, August 21, 2014

Missed Opportunities

I was rushing around getting things done that I had put off because of doing other things that I had to first get done.  That seems to be my life much of the time.
I was doing good things – things that were for other people, but nonetheless – I was rushing.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I topped the small incline looking ahead to the flashing blue lights just down the road.  From where I was, it looked as though there had been a wreck in front of our church.  I feared that someone, perhaps someone I knew well, had been injured.  As I drew closer, I realized that the wreck was in front of another local business and my anxiety lessened.  I drove slowly through the wreckage and carefully skimmed the site looking for signs of anyone that I might know.  Honestly, I was a little relieved to not recognize anyone.  There was a car that was very damaged, but I didn’t see or hear an ambulance.  I made my way passed the girl who was stationed to stop on-coming traffic and continued on down the road and turned into our church parking lot. 

I went about my business.  I waited for our gym-type lights to come on and then searched for the books I was hoping to find in the missions cabinet.  I knew that the traffic would be backed up, so I took the opportunity to look for a couple of other items that I knew I would need.  After waiting a while, I walked back to the door.

The flagging girl was still standing in the hot sun, shading her eyes and the traffic was backed up so that I could not see the last car in Moorefield.  I went back and checked my phone – FaceBook, email, and in-coming calls.  I posted on FaceBook to let everyone know I was stuck at the church.  It was a funny little post that should draw a chuckle from a few of my friends.

I went back to the door and decided to raid the kitchen.  I found a nice little bottled water and a snack bar.  I walked back to the door, observed the traffic and the same blond pony tailed young lady, who was holding that traffic at bay.

I considered my options and decided that I could turn right and go all around the back way and come out on a main road.  I could probably be home quicker than by waiting it out.  I took a long drink of my bottled water and gathered my books, keys and phone and headed out.  I locked the door behind me and got into my car. 

Then it hit me like a lead balloon – the same girl was standing her guard in the hot sun, shading her eyes and I was sitting in my air-conditioned car sipping on a cool drink of water.  I went back into the church and found some water – which was not really cool and quickly checked the fridge.  There were some ice cold Dr. Peppers, looking all cool and inviting.  I chose one of each – a water and a Dr. Pepper. 

When I went back to my car, a policeman was stopped talking to her.  I thought, “Ah, too late.”  She ran to her vehicle and got in.  I still sat and observed.  She pulled it side-ways into the road and then got back out.  She was going back to her post.  I pulled my car to the edge of the road and got out with water and DP in hand.  I walked toward her and she saw me.  She stopped an on-coming car and walked to meet me.  I didn’t know it, but I had gold in my hand!  She was so overwhelmingly grateful.  I said, “You are so welcome, “ and returned to my car. 

I turned the other direction and began my long-way-around journey.  My thought was, “Almost a missed opportunity…”.  That began my conversation with God.  “Yes, almost – but, thank God I thought of going back in to get water for that poor girl who was serving my community so selflessly.  She was so grateful.”  “I am glad you were so thoughtful and took action…but look – you are just now passing policemen who are in the same situation.  I bet they would have liked a “cool drink of water, in My Name.”  And He went on – “The traffic has been stopped for quite some time.  There was enough water that you might could have offered some of the folks just sitting there waiting a bottle.”  “Oh, yea, I guess so.  But really, I might have been in the way, too…”  So many people, so many needs.

In a quick moment I found myself asking God to open my eyes and my ears to the needs of people around me.  We are often so busy doing good things that we miss what is right in front of us.  Instead of being bored and shutting the world out, I could have observed and served.  Perhaps I could have just stayed a little while longer, gotten out from behind locked doors – offered our bathroom facilities, turned up the air…instead I drove away and realized that though I had a small moment of serving, my afternoon had also included some missed opportunities.

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