Saturday, December 19, 2015



One thing that is sure, other than breathing and dying, is change.  We can fight it, or we can embrace it.  This year has certainly brought much change in the lives of our family.  Since fighting it is futile, we have chosen to embrace it.

Kelly and Aaron are now living in Fayetteville following a 10-year stay in the same home, neighborhood and school system.  The Parks’ family has definitely experienced change.  Their church, Fellowship Bible Church of NWA in Lowell is building a new campus in Fayetteville.  Aaron is the Children’s Director of the new campus.  They look to moving into the building in late spring of 2016, but their family made the move in the fall of 2014 to begin building relationships and become adjusted to their new community as quickly as possible.  Their house sold quickly and they found a lovely home on 2 ½ acres of land near the site of their new church building.  Asher and Ben have about a 3-minute drive to their new school and have settled in well.  They are 9 and soon to be 8 years old.  Asher loves video games and reading.  Ben loves basketball and will play on his first team this spring.  Caleb will be 3 years old in January and could possibly be the funniest child on the planet.  He loves the attention we willingly give him and brings a lot of joy to us.  He still loves cars, trains, and anything that moves.

                              The Parks Family - Aaron and Kelly, Asher, Ben, and Caleb

Chase and Lacey spent some unexpected time in the US this year following a 7.8 earthquake and another 6 pointer that devastated the northern villages and damaged their city in Nepal.  We were awakened by an early morning text telling us they were all ok, and then a short FaceTime with them sitting on their front lawn.  Though their teammates had prior plans over the months to come to pursue other ministry and leave KTM, this event pushed up their exit plans and they all came home to the US.  Chase stayed for a few more weeks to settle business with their coffee shop and to make a motorcycle trip into a mountain village where the family of one of his employees lived.  It was a time of real uncertainty and change.  In July their family returned to KTM, not sure what ministry would look like without a team and with changes the earthquake had brought.  This season of change, however, has also proven to be a season of joy and restoration in many ways.  They are working with a local pastor and doing village work, as well.  The coffee shop is smaller but easier to manage.  They are now living through a blockade on the southern border of Nepal next to India, which has limited supplies and especially gas.  They are adjusting to the changes this has brought, as well.  Ajay, who will be 5 – actually tomorrow – loves his home and country, claiming to be a little Nepali boy.  His latest interest is in dinosaurs and he is captivated by documentaries, preferring them to cartoons.  He is doing pre-school work with his mom and loves learning.  Ari will be 3 in January.  She is a soft-spoken girly-girl, who is fearless and trusting.  She eyes her brother for any prompting for what to do – quite the little “me too”.

The Moore Family - Chase and Lacey, Ajay and Ari Dear

Mickey and Betty Gail’s biggest changes have occurred at Compass.  In June we began our “good-byes” to our dear friends and comrades on Compass Staff, Chad and Jessica Grigsby and Ezra.  Though it was like being kicked in the stomach, we knew it was the right thing.  Chad is now a church-planting strategist with Arkansas Baptists, helping others do exactly what we did together at Compass - only in Northwest Arkansas.  We are so very proud of them!  God had already provided for Compass, unbeknownst to us.  We had a secret weapon waiting in the wings…Jeremy and Kerrie Sullivan and Jack, who is 6 (and Maggie who was just a bun in the oven – now 9 weeks old), stepped up to seamlessly fill the role of Teaching Pastor.  It was change, but also God’s provision, and we knew it.  We so love the Sullivans!  This news came about as we were in the beginning stages of building a new building in which Compass will meet.  At this present time, the building is being framed out inside and we hope to occupy it in the spring of 2016.  We are so very grateful that God’s plans are not thwarted by change.  

Mickey and Betty Gail

Mom has seen some changes this year, too.  At 90 years old, she stays closer to home in this season of life and has a few more difficulties with health issues.  But many days are good and she especially enjoys when her children, grand children and great-grandchildren visit.  Her fourteenth great-grand child was born in the summer.  Katie Jo – Jo Karen’s granddaughter (Luke’s daughter), our surprise miracle baby came early, weighing in at 2 lbs. and 10 oz.  What a blessing that she is now over 10 lbs. and a very healthy growing baby girl!  There are 36 of Jane’s family living and she counts that her great blessing.  She will see many of them at Christmas this year.

Jane - 90th Birthday party in April 2015

Hurt and pain often accompany change.  We are uncomfortable and reject it when we can.  We think of change as an enemy to our way of life.  However, our God often uses change as an agent to propel us into a greater good, a spiritual revival, and a way to open our eyes to what He desires for us.  When we come to know Him, we are changed.  The old things pass away, and we become like Him.  We cannot change ourselves and others cannot change us in the way that He changes us.

During this season, we invite you to answer His call – He is seeking you.  Bring your way of life, your baggage, and your struggles with you.  Jesus is the agent of change and He will show you how to lay down your burdens.  He will be the author of your “new normal”. 

Spirit of The Living God…
Because When You Speak, When You Move. (When You Come in the Room)
When You Do What Only You Can Do
It Changes Us, It Changes What We See And What We Seek

                                                OUR LOVE TO YOU ALL!

                                                Mickey and Betty Gail Jones

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