Saturday, November 30, 2013

Feliz Cumpleaños, Mariana

My young friend, Mariana, had her 6th Birthday Party today.  I was invited.  I purchased a small gift and wrapped it for her.  I was excited about attending my first ever Mexican birthday celebration!  I had heard of the great parties that Hispanic people were known for giving - a lot of food, dancing, games, family and friends.  I was not disappointed!

Veronica had told me that 2:30 on Saturday was the time it would begin.  I should have realized that 2:30 really meant 4:30...and that the party would last all night!  Being the American that I am, I intended to be on time and was a little fretful that I was running late.  When I arrived at their home, I counted four cars parked in the yard and behind the house.  Two of them were Mario and Veronica's.  I should have caught on quickly, but just thought maybe they were planning a small party.

I knocked on the door and Veronica answered, looking very beautiful. She was definitely dressed very stylishly in tights, a sweater and boots.  Her makeup was perfect and she had pulled her black shiny hair up into a pony tail which she could still sit upon.  She smiled and welcomed me and called Mariana to do the same.  Mariana didn't hesitate to take the small package that I was carrying and greeted me, as well.  She was wearing a long satiny white party dress with a red dress coat over it.  Her dark eyes were snapping with excitement.

Veronica quickly began introducing me to the people in the room.  They were very gracious as they shook my hand and greeted me warmly.  So far, Veronica's sister and her children and Mario were there.  Mario was taking pictures of Mariana and her cake and her cousins.  Just as quickly as she had appeared, Mariana disappeared, running off to play with her young girl cousin.  Her older cousin stayed and visited with me for a while.  He spoke English very well.  He was pleasant to chat with and we became friends for the day, quickly.  I felt good because I knew if I couldn't communicate with anyone else, I could always talk to him.

Veronica's sister talked to me some also.  We made small talk about jobs, children, and Veronica.  Finally another guest arrived.  It was Mario's aunt and her young son from out of town.  Her use of English was similar to that of Veronica's.  I could tell she understood much more than she could communicate.  It wasn't long until Veronica came back into the small living room and motioned for me to come with her and I understood her to say, "...the other building".  This was a relatively small comfortable home on a small lot in town and I could not fathom where we might be going.  We went through the kitchen and out the back door and low and behold, there was, indeed, another building.  Mario and a couple of men were sitting outside the building and in between the house and the building there were banquet tables and chairs set up.  They were decorated with purple and white table clothes and purple and pink balloons.  We went into the other building, which I had believed to be a storage building, to find it decorated with streamers and balloons, tables and chairs with purple table clothes, and music playing from a stereo set.  This was no storage building at all.  It was sheet rocked, painted a lovely green with windows, a front and back door, and had electricity.  It was a party building!  It was big enough for seating for about 30 people.

I kept thinking, poor Veronica and Mariana!  They have put all of this work into this party and no one is showing up.  Mario's aunt and I sat down in the room and with my inadequate Spanish-speaking ability and her broken English tried to have some conversation.  I found I was so much more comfortable with the children, because they all knew English.  I wanted to at least try to talk to some of the adults though.  Finally a few more people began to arrive.  I hadn't seen Veronica is quite some time but suddenly she appeared with two bowls of what I would have called soup.  I was told it was beans - beans with bacon and chorizo - and I was grateful to have it.  It was getting colder outside and the conversation was lagging.  It was also very warm and tasty!  I asked if Veronica made it and she said, "No!".  I teased her remembering that she claims she can't cook.

More and more people began to arrive and soon I realized that it was after 4:00 pm.  The time had really gone by quickly.  Veronica came back into the party building and invited me and the aunt to get in line for the tacos.  We went outside and it was as though a make-shift outdoor galley had appeared out of thin air.  "The Taco Lady" was working over an outdoor grill with chopped beef, onions and jalepenos sizzling and tortillas warming and smelling heavenly.  There was a spit with pork and pineapple cooking nearby.  There was a bar with what Southerner's call "fixin's" including cilantro, pico, limes, and different sauces.  As we went through the line, the Taco Lady loaded our plates with four tortillas piled high with the beef and grilled onions.  I asked for a small jalepeno.  I followed the aunt and added pico, cilantro and lime to my plate.

We made our way back to the party building and found our seats still empty, although more and more people were arriving.  Veronica came out with a plate of foil wrapped food explaining to me that she had ordered me two tamales.  Seeing that I would not be able to hold them, she said she would send them home with me.  I felt that it was her goal to take care of me and make sure I had a good time.  She did not dissapoint.  She asked me what the time was on my phone and was surprised when I told her near 4:30.  She told me that the pinatas would be next and then the cake.  I knew that they were important parts of the party that she didn't want me to miss.  And more people were arriving.

There were three piñatas.  The men found a long rope and threw it over a large limb of the tree in the yard.  They hooked up the first piñata - a Dora doll.  By that time there were many people there.  I counted loosely and came up with 60 and more arriving.  The children gathered around.  Mariana had the stick and Mario had the end of the rope.  Before anyone could whack at the piñata there had to be a picture of Mariana and her young cousins.  Mariana got the first try.  The older boys began a sing-song rhyme that they continued as the one with the stick would swing at the piñata hoping to burst it open for the candy surprises inside.  Veronica's sister was the adult in charge.  She would laugh and sing and pick someone new to try and keep everyone in line as they should be.  She was having as much fun as the children.  Finally, one of the older boys knocked poor Dora's leg off and the candy went flying - and the children scrambled.  It was time for the second one.  This one was filled with plastic balls and everyone waited anxiously to catch one as they trickled out one by one.  The last piñata was a princess crown and everyone was getting ready for the cake which was to be cut next.  Still people were arriving with gifts in hand and by now it was getting dark.  This one broke off of the rope and fell to the ground.  Mario ripped it apart and tossed the candy randomly at the children.

It was time to cut the cake.  Everyone who could fit squeezed into the party building.  Mario made his way to the stereo and put on music that must have been special for the birthday girl.  She stood shyly by her cake as people made her picture and tucked her head with an embarrassed smile.  She tried hard to smile for the pictures and was so proud when the candle with a 6 on it was produced for her to blow out.  She bent forward to take the first bite out of the cake and her cousin quickly shoved her face into it.  I feel like that is a traditional birthday trick that everyone expects.  Everyone laughed and clapped and they made pictures of her.  Mariana was given the knife and made the first cut in the cake. Veronica carefully cut out the piece where her face had been and put it away.  A large pot of something that looked like a fruit salad was being served on the side as Veronica and her sister passed out cake to their guests.  I didn't have to wait long because Veronica sought me out with one of the first pieces.  It was a delicious Mexican milk cake.  It wasn't quite as sweet as others I have had, but it was delicious.  The "fruit salad" side turned out to be jello cut into small squares in a milky sauce.  It was also very good.

I waited until Veronica was finished serving her guests, for the most part - there were a lot of people there, and told her that at 5:30 it was time for me to leave.  I could tell this party was just getting started!  She graciously excused me and I left the party building.  She remembered that she had tamales inside for me and her sister went to get them for me.  As I went outside, I could see people sitting around a cosy fire and others still at the tables wrapped in coats to keep warm.  This party was just getting started, indeed. With my bag of Mexican party treats and special tamales in hand, as I got into my car I noticed more people arriving

What a wonderful experience! I love that we are blessed with different cultures and that they have come to the United States.  I can't wait until Mariana's 7th birthday and this time I will know to arrive a little late and plan to stay later!

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