Thursday, October 26, 2006

20 and counting!

1) I am married to a man who spells his name like a mouse!
2) I function very well with a lot on my plate - seasonally.
3) I am thinking about cremation as an option for disposal of my body when I am dead
4) I think there is nothing wrong with Halloween and it is a fun holiday. I like ghosts and goblins in the make-believe world. I don't like demons, however, in reality - and I do believe they exist.
5) If I had to choose between having a privacy fence or an open back yard - I would choose open - it is just freeing to see for miles and watch the snow fall in the distance.
6) Some people I miss - my Grandma and Grandpa, my Aunt Violet and Aunt Joan, my Aunt Bessie. My mother is the only sibling (including her brothers-in-law) left in her family and my father has only one sister left besides himself (including his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law) - she lives in California.
7) I am a list maker - just not necessarily a list follower.
8) I am cell phone illiterate.
9) I had my ears pierced with needles by my neighbor after she had frozen them with ice cubes
10) I take some time every Christmas just to sit alone in a quiet, dark room and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink - and reflect on Christmases past

JUST 10 more!!!

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