Monday, October 16, 2006

Only 10 more to the halfway point

1) I get into the water slowly - no jumping in for me
2) My favorite thing to wear is a new warm sweatshirt and a pair of jeans
3) I hang up on telemarketers - immediately - don't even respond or say a word - just hang up.
I used to try to be nice, then I started lying - I decided the best thing to do is just hang up.
4) It looks like I (actually, we - Mickey is going, too) will be moving back in with my parents soon - never thought that would really happen - but it is a life cycle. They are excited. I am ok with it.
5) I need to memorize more scripture - I am bad at it.
6) If I could change two physical characteristics about me, one would be my teeth and the other would be my poochy-out stomach (thanks mom and grandma!)
7) I like to watch Westerns, Make-overs of all kinds, Court TV shows, Antique shows, and HGTV. I don't like "Reality" shows. BUT I do like The Office
8) If I could live at any other time in history, I think I would choose the 1800's. But I would want the option to return to modern day times at any time.
9) If I could have one super-power it would be to teleport from place to place
10) If I had the chance to be 20 once again, I would finish my college education and I would get a degree in Writing or Religion. I would write article for magazines and other publications,

OK - that is 40 - just 10 more to go for the first half - Are you bored with me yet??


Anonymous said...

How could this be boring???

I love that you thought to include that you get in the water slowly in your list of things about you. :)

ruth said...

i've decided to do my own list on my blogspot blog. see for yourself :)