Friday, April 17, 2009

The Devil Wears Prada - and so do I

This is a fun little post that I put on my facebook a while back...just didn't want to lose it, so here it is!

I just picked up my cute little black and red purse that I bought at Macy's in NYC a couple of years started a series of thoughts running through my head and I decided to share. What got me to thinking was..."I like this is light weight and just the right size for the things I carry." From there my mind drifted to the purse that I have been carrying for quite some time. It is sitting across the room, waiting for me to remember to take it to the repair shop because a handle broke. Any way, I really buy purses for the convenience factor...not for fashion. You know, I decide if it would "go with most things" (I never change purses ...too much hastle and usually I am running out to go somewhere). I also look at the way it is made...will it sit flat on the bottom or when I put it down, will it go all limp and fall over or be unbalanced. I also look there a cell phone pocket...which, by the way, I NEVER use! AND of course, I look at the it reasonable and affordable! I really wish I could be like the Baxter girls...Megan, Nicole and Alison - buy it and use it because it is so cute!Well, let me tell you about the former purse that I carried, which is what made me write this note. Lacey sent home this purse with Jackie when she visited her in India a couple of Christmases ago. I thought it was cute and so I called to ask her if she wanted me to put it back and keep it for when she got home. She said, "Oh, no, Mom. I will NEVER carry that is way too pretentious for me! I bought it on impulse and knew that I really could never carry it...but you can." Well, I didn't know what all of that meant but I liked the purse (the color, the shape, the cell phone pocket and the price (free to me!), so I loaded it and began carrying it. I asked a friend...What is PRADA anyway? I was told that it is "what the devil wears" and was satisfied so I began using it. Now when I look back on it all, it just tickles me. I can not tell you how many people NOTICED my purse!! Random strangers would stop me to tell me how much they liked it. Young store clerks would "Oooo and awww" over it...almost drooling. A few of the teenagers at my church checked it out. I decided to go on line and look at PRADA purses and discovered my PRADA purse was listed at $2000!! How funny!! NO ONE ever said they liked any other purse I carried - ever, and suddenly my purse had made me trendy and fashion aware! Now to me it was - practical. It served it's purpose! Anyway...I was just thinking of all of this and it made me laugh. OH - by the way, for those of you who are skeptical and ask...."Is it real?" Well, all I know is there is a "certificate of authenticity" in the pocket! You decide...

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