Friday, April 17, 2009

Lacey's Wedding - a LONG story

Another Facebook post

Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 1:20am
Hello everyone! I wanted to be able to send some pics with news of the wedding, but we haven't really gotten any yet! I know!! Hopefully, we will get a peek at some next week...if you have any and want to send them to us...PLEASE!! I am talking about Lacey's wedding, of course. Actually, we have a FEW snaps that some friends and family sent by email, but the pro's pics aren't ready to look at quite yet and so...we would love to see any that you is the run down. First of all, if you didn't know or have forgotten...Lacey is now Mrs. Chase Moore. Chase is a true-blue Texan and over the last three years Mickey and I have gotten to know him very well. You see, while Lacey was overseas, we dated him! HA! Really, we spent a lot of time together because he blessed us with weekend visits while he was in school and honored us with his presence. We love him very much and count him as our own. Chase is a Christian Ministries major from Williams Baptist College as of May 3, 2008. He is very gifted with words and public appeal. He is a quick thinker and any public delivery whether it be announcements or preaching a sermon is well received and much admired. We are very proud of him. Mostly, we love his character and the way he cherishes the Word of God and loves the Lord with all of his heart. He unashamedly loves Lacey and would not hesitate to make that clear in any public setting. Chase is a risk taker...he loves rock climbing, caving, jumping off of high cliffs into pools of water (doing as many back flips as possible) and all water sports, and playing and watching soccer and football. He is daring and adventuresome and in the past, sometimes it has gotten him into some tight spots but we also love that part of him. Chase and Lacey will go back overseas to reach an unreached people group...probably not an easy place...and we are comforted that this time, Lacey will have him there with her...and we are confident that they will take care of one another well. Right now, they are living in Batesville and working with our Youth at First Baptist for the summer...and then we will the wedding...the day was unbelievable! It had rained so much in April and May and Batesville had flooded BIG time twice and the ground was totally saturated...and the week of the wedding CALLED FOR MORE rain! We planned an outdoor reception at some friends' house and the parking lot (a field) was pretty much "mushy" going into the week and the "ditch" where we planned to cross over into the field was really just mud and goo! We prayed a lot...and worried some...and talked...and went back and forth and I tried to follow Lacey's lead...which was to just wait and trust! Whew! It was stressful - BUT - with Chase and Mickey and great friends and church family and relatives...the day came and all of our issues were taken care of and God provided a beautiful sunshiny, but not too hot, day! I have to mention that I had planned a very stress free day...for myself! ALL of our family came in by the droves and took OVER and moved EVERYTHING that had to be moved and put the WHOLE reception together (Mickey did SO much work that hero!) My dear friend, Kathy Brooks, helped so much and I can't leave out our caterer and my dear friend, Joella Huddleston, who worked herself almost to death that day!! As I said, my day was SUPPOSE to be smooth sailing as I had asked my two dear long time friends to "kidnap" me from it all and "take me away"! So Jeannie Whitener and Susan Parker came and got me...and took me for a pedicure (that was awesome...I loved it so much and it WAS a great time for me!) The trouble came when they took me to lunch at our local "special events" place "Elizabeth's" and I took one look at my food and KNEW it wasn't going down...they graciously took me to church (quickly) and well...I lost all of my cookies - and lay in the bathroom floor trying to get well enough to get ready for the wedding. Jackie niece whom I knew I could count on, took care of me...while not letting Lacey know that I was sick and getting herself ready, too ( She didn't know going in that taking care of a sick mother of the Bride was going to be a job for the Maid of Honor!) My God is so good! He not only allowed me to get up and get dressed right on time, I also got to go watch Lacey's dress go on and walk her to her private meeting with her Groom before the pictures began. The wedding was beautiful...with so many people! Lacey had 9 (I know!) Brides Maids and Chase had 7 groomsmen with an honorary one (Matt Duran - serving in Iraq)...There were 6 (I know) flower girls and 3 ministers involved. The Bride's Maids wore copper skirts with either a copper or espresso brown top and some wore sashes and belts while others didn't...they each had a different top on...kind of like a fashion show! The little girls wore rings of baby's breath in their hair and tea length off white dresses and went barefoot...they were so cute! They all came down the isle together throwing flowers as they went...and we had benches at the front for them to sit on when they got there. They were perfect! 3 of them were Lacey's little cousins and 3 of them were Chase's little cousins (all either 4 or 6-7 years old). The men wore black tuxes with copper colored handsome. The sanctuary was decorated with two black wrought iron candle stands with chunky candles, and lamp post stands on each of the banister posts. They had wide off-white ribbon tied in single bows with the ribbons cascading to the floor. Each window had black wrought iron candle holders which filled the windows with 4 chunky candles in each of them. The first six rows of pews had off white bows cascading to the floor on each end. The unity candle was on a wood and glass table in front of the baptistry with the curtains open and the lighted cross visible and lighted. There was an off white swag on the top of the table which just lay over the edge of the table in the front in a half circle. We didn't have any flowers or plants except the vase of calla lilies in the foyer. All of the girls carried calla lilies and the men had calla lily bouts. Flanking the sides of the stairs, we had backless benches which were covered with off-white and tied off with a big off white bow in front for the flower girls to sit upon. Some of the highlights of the wedding are...Sebastian - our German friend - playing a German/French original love song on guitar and singing, Lindsey - Chase's twin sister, placing a rose on the Unity Candle table in memory of their mother, Christian and Megan Baxter, Tim Byers and Brandon Smart playing praise and worship, Todd Kaunitz - Chase's youth pastor, speaking about marriage before the wedding, Lacey in her stunning off white Danish designer dress which we bought in Paris, Chase's love poem and declaration to Lacey - spoken during the processional of the B. maid's and flower girls, Mark McLendon - our precious friend - marrying Chase and Lacey as his last act as a minister at our church (the next day was his last day in Batesville), the slide show - which Aaron (our other son-in-law) put together and made very special, Kelly playing and singing a special song that she and Chase had collaborated on for the lighting of the Unity Candle, the three ministers (Mark, Todd, and Bro. Gary Buckner) commissioning Chase and Lacey with a prayer time over them, and our dear friend Marcus Buckner pulled it all together on a great DVD!

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