Tuesday, October 17, 2006

50 - Almost my age!!

1) My favorite things when I was growing up were paper dolls, Barbie Dolls, and stuffed animals
2) I just had a flash back - when I was little, me and my next door neighbor and best friend used to love a TV show called "Honey West". She was a secret agent. We played like we were secret agents all the time. We couldn't both be Honey West, so we made up Connie West (that was me) who was her side kick. Wonder why I wasn't Honey?
3) I am crafty - I like to scrapbook - wish I had more time for it
4) If I ever go bald, please don't look at the mole on the side of my head
5) I like to work jigsaw puzzles - especially at Christmas and when I feel stressed out
6) I am the only grandchild on my father's side that my grandmother never knew about. She died before I was born and I am the youngest. I hope to meet her and talk a long time with her in Heaven.
7) I really like rainy days when I can stay in doors - and thunderstorms
8) My favorite vacation was to New York City last year with my girls, son-in-law, Mickey and our friend, Mark. I think I could vacation there and never get tired of it.
9) I don't like rap but I love Toby Mac concerts - "...ticket to ride..."
10) I totally avoid alcohol and with the exception of an accidental drink of a strawberry daiquiri (I don't even know how to spell it!) in High School and trying a sip of champagne at a wedding after I was an adult (which I hated, by the way), I have never partaken of it. I think it is a bad decision for the most part, but not necessarily a sin.

OK - next time I will be on the downhill side of 100 and maybe I won't take the liberty to preach so much!! Catch you then.


Jackie said...

Who's Toby Mac? And did you mean almost? Are you working a jigsaw puzzle now with the few uncertainties in your life? And I second that I like rainy days too, especially when it thunders!

Nanna said...

Jackie - you NEED to go see Toby Mac (One of the original DC TALK guys) in concert - it is full of energy, and sooo much fun! No jigsaw puzzle but thinking on it, for the FEW uncertainties in my life!