Thursday, February 21, 2013

Little Bundle of JOY - another BOY!

Grandbaby number 5 was set to be born soon after I got back from India where I had been on baby watch before.  I was to have 4 days after my plane landed to recouperate and he/or she was coming on January 19.  That was the plan.  We were thinking how nice it would be for this baby to be a girl since the Parks already had two boys.  Ari was born and we also thought it would be nice for the two cousins to both be girls, too

January 14, and my brother's birthday, we got a couple of surprises!  Little Caleb, boy number three and grandboy number 4, came rushing into this world...before I could even get on a plane to begin my journey home! 

Both surprises were GOOD!  I was able to know about his birth before I left on a two day journey home and share it with the Moore's via Skype...AND this tiny little boy rounded out the Parks clan perfectly.  Kelly is SUCH a good boy mother!  Well, she is just a good mother, but she certainly has a proven track record with boys!

The very first picture I saw of him, texted to me I said, "Oh, my...he looks just like Asher!!" And indeed he did! These are a couple of very proud big brothers.  Caleb was born at home, so they got to see him right after he was born. 

Did I mention that they have an amazing Dad, too...breaking Caleb in for family story time! 

Kelly is in heaven - boyland is where she thrives!  Caleb has trips to the park and library in his very near future and she can "talk cars" better than any mommy I know!

These pictures take my breath away! So blessed, so blessed!

There is a picture of each Parks boy on the red couch in this little blue baby gown. 
Welcome Caleb! You are wanted...You are loved!

A Band of Brothers

This blog post is dedicated to two little boys who first stole my heart.  Asher was born with Ben following 15 months behind.  What joy and delight they bring to me.  They are 6 and 5 years old respectively. 

I love these pictures...they tell a story that words could never convey.  These boys are best friends, worst enemies, playmates, comrades and nemesis superheros to one another.  In short, brothers and siblings.  They can hurt each other more than any one in the world and they can love each other more than any one else ever can or ever will.  They share the closest DNA possible and yet could not be more different.  Oh, how blessed I am that God gave me these amazing little men as grandboys!

This is Ben (or Beni, as we call him), Even in his mother's womb he was in constant motion!  He has always been cuddly and has a killer smile and winning ways.  He is funny and so much fun.  He is cooperative most of the time and often will say, "Sure", when you ask him to do something.  He is "wittle" (as he used to say) in stature but is fast and athletic.  I suspect he will be a heart-breaker for the girls and every one's friend.

Asher is 6.  He is in Kindergarten.  His birthday was 20 days too late to start last year so he turned 6 within 20 days of starting Kindergarten - I'm sure the oldest child in his class.  His teacher says he is either going to be a politician or a preacher.  He apparently tries very hard to persuade others of his opinion.  Asher is very sweet.  He will come and sit very close when I am there and always wants to know how long I can stay...and tries to persuade me for longer!  Even at this early age, he has a hot justice button!  (He comes by this honestly!)  He reasons things out - he takes nothing at face value.  Maybe he will be a politician or preacher - I'm hoping for the latter.

And then there were THREE! Caleb was born in January 2013!  Asher and Ben have been foster big brothers for the last 2 years - they are so happy they get to keep this one!  More about him - next post!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Moore Family

Last blog (for now) on the to share some about my stateside boy, too!  Here are some family pics that I love.

Seeing Ari for the first time! Thanks to Sandy Wandy (a pet name for this dear friend) for getting me and Ajay to the hospital via rickshaw that morning shortly after Ari arrived!

Oh, how he loves her right away!!  You can see is little hand appearing to move with lightening speed patting her - he wasn't touching her - just gently patting like he has been taught to do when showing his gentle side.

Haha...I love this - contrary to how it looks, he really wasn't exaperated by her!!  But isn't it the perfect big brother picture??

Loving parentals!  You can see how much she favors her Daddy in these early pictures! 

Brotherly affection...maybe words of her hat a try!

Nanna's could just squeeze them!!

God bless us, every one!!

Here SHE is!!

Ari commands a little attention here!  She is my one and only grand daughter and I am tickled pink (yes, pun intended)!  Some of my favorite pictures that I captured while in India for her birth!

Just a couple of hours after birth...she is really beautiful

Aunt Lindsey gave me this warm and sweet leopard print...and daddy let me wear it!

Getting to know Nanna

Packed up safe and warm - ready to see the doctor.  Love those toes! On the right - anyone remember that old TV show, Different Strokes when Gary Coleman's character would say, "Wha chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"  Ari has that face down - compliments of her Daddy, don't you think?

Here is a little fashion show for you.  I asked if anyone could crochet a hat for Ari's little head on FaceBook.  I took, I think 18 hats with me to her!  Lacey loved each and every one!  She also received bows and girly!  Thanks to eveyone for making it so fun to have a grandgirl!  If you were one of the hat donors...keep watching pictures - I'm sure yours is being well used in the shaddow of the Himalayas where a hat is a necessitty!

Ari - ready to come home in her pink sweater dress...worn by her mother when she came home from the hospital 30 years ago...I love both of them!!

Warning!! Grandkids Pics!

I just wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures of my grandchildren.  The next few blogs are dedicated to them.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do. (OK...ALMOST as much as I do!)


Ajay and I shared a room for the better part of my stay in India - he loved to put on my houseshoes and watch himself in the mirror.  As you can see how intensely he plays with little cars, he loved this motorcycle that came in the mail in a package from Aunt Sandra and Nini (Chase's grandmother).  They were a must have for restaurant eating.

He chose Chase and Lacey's bed to be his favorite place to play with his cars.  He lines them up just so and if you move them, you are in trouble with him!  In the picture on the right, he is "riding" a trunk that will go back to Kathmandu with them, wearing one of his favorite gifts from the US.  The little crocheted hat was a little too small, but he loved it! He is probably screaming - as he is prone to do.

He dearly loves attention from his parents and they give it freely!  I sure wish I coudl have just zipped him up in that suitcase and brought him home with me!  But honestly - he is so loved and cared for that I don't worry about him even though he is on the other side of the world!

 Dum-dum suckers were sometimes a life saver for us!  The first time his parents left him alone with me, I was surprised that he didn't cry when he woke up from sleeping.  Nope.  He just got out of his bed, looked me directly in the eye and said, "Need sucker."  So, he got a sucker for breakfast that morning.  Then he knew he had me!  The pic on the right shows the sensitive side of little man.  He is dancing with his BFF, Froggie!  I love his expression!
Thing he loved most about Bangalore - rickshaws.  Thing he hates most about anywhere - haircut!

Train set from Aunt Kelly, Uncle Aaron and Asher and Ben for Christmas!  Focused play - serious stuff!

Thanks for the pj's Aunt Fran!  Day is done, Gone the my Nalgene, blankie, Froggie and BC (special ABC stuffed dog - important, but not in the picture) Goodnight!