Monday, February 11, 2013

Shopping - Fixed Price?

There are modern western style malls in Bangalore.  We visited them often.  There was a store for everyone there - even Ari! Although it was not close - a 40 minute rickshaw ride - it was kind of like going to Little Rock from Batesville to shop.  Chase found western brand jeans, Lacey loved eating at Taco Bell, and Ajay enjoyed the children's play area - so we went often.

I was always amazed that there were so many stores with western style clothing yet most of the shoppers seemed to be wearing saris and Indian style clothing.  I wondered how they stay in business.  There never seemed to be that many customers in those clothing stores.

They did, indeed, "deck the halls" at Christmas.  As we entered Mantri Mall, we were greeted by large displays featuring Thomas the Train, Barbie, and Hot Wheels.  Ajay loved stopping by these stages.  We were never sure exactly what they were for - we never saw much going on there and they were roped off so getting a good picture with your children was not the point.  We did see a little activity on the Barbie stage - children coloring and someone at a microphone speaking.  There was a Winter Wonderland that included a snow scene with girraffes (Haha).  The mall area also had an outside stage that would feature bands on the weekend.  Keep in mind that Bangalore during Christmas time was still 75 degrees!

I so enjoyed window shopping.  Especially in the stores that carried their beautiful saris and Indian fabrics for custom made saris.  I could have stood and looked at them for hours!  We were a little confused by some of the window dressings.  They really love Western but just can't get away from being Asian! 

I really enjoyed shopping in the mall where Indian goods were sold and bargained for at a cheaper price.  I went with Lacey to purchase curtains.  I love my daughter, but I really am one of the only people who can shop with her! She studies it out and thinks it over and looks at things several times before making her purchase.  She asked to see many different curtains displayed on their display rack and asked for a better price.  We walked away with nothing twice and then returned to make the purchase.  She did get him to come down from his "fixed" price to her agreed price and she did purchase a lot of heavy curtains that we had to carry in a rickshaw.  In the end, she was pleased and I'm sure the shop owner was happy.  We also purchased throw pillow covers and scarves here.

There is a long street called Commerce Street that is completely facsinating.  Here you can bargain and buy almost anything.  On my last weekend, a friend took me there.  I made last minute purchases and avoided dying by being hit by oncoming traffic!  What great fun!

Friday before I was to leave on Tuesday, Lacey decided that she wanted to get Kelly something tailor made.  She decided on a boppy cover - in fact, because we didn't know whether she was having a boy or a girl, that she would get two made.  We found a place that sold material and ventured out to find the right fabric.  The store was owned by a Muslim family and since it was Friday - their day of worship - they were closed.  Lacey determined that we should try again on remember, we not only had to get the fabric, we also had to find a tailor and it would have to be finished by Monday evening because my plane left very early on Tuesday morning.  I was doubtful.  We went inside the store and found the material which was intended for women's clothing to be lacking.  Lacey decided to go to the third floor where men's pants and shirts were tailored in hopes of finding exactly what she was looking for.  As, I said before - I am just about the only one who can shop with Lacey!! She took her time and finally chose two plaids from the men's shirt selection - a pink and grey and a yellow and grey.  She then set out to find a tailor who could take her boppy cover and use as a pattern and who would agree to have it finished for her by Monday evening.  She wandered around the tailor's shops area and finally found such a man.  Little Caleb was born before she got the boppys on Monday.  She was very happy to send the yellow and grey one home with me to her sister.  The tailor finished it at 9:00 pm on Monday night.  Kelly and Caleb are both enjoying using it!

Just some important information that everyone needs!

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