Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Moore Family

Last blog (for now) on the Moores...got to share some about my stateside boy, too!  Here are some family pics that I love.

Seeing Ari for the first time! Thanks to Sandy Wandy (a pet name for this dear friend) for getting me and Ajay to the hospital via rickshaw that morning shortly after Ari arrived!

Oh, how he loves her right away!!  You can see is little hand appearing to move with lightening speed patting her - he wasn't touching her - just gently patting like he has been taught to do when showing his gentle side.

Haha...I love this - contrary to how it looks, he really wasn't exaperated by her!!  But isn't it the perfect big brother picture??

Loving parentals!  You can see how much she favors her Daddy in these early pictures! 

Brotherly affection...maybe words of advice...giving her hat a try!

Nanna's turn...um-umm...I could just squeeze them!!

God bless us, every one!!

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