Saturday, December 16, 2006

Another Day in the Life

OK - so I haven't blogged in quite a while. I have just not been inspired. I think that NOW, I am. It is December the 16th - actually, I just looked at the clock and it is the 17th at 12:01.
Life is changing and I'm not sure about it. Mickey is working again and that is good. He traveled last week for the first time since re-employment. I turned 50. Just thought I would sneak that in. I went to Muldrow, Oklahoma to sit with my sister-in-law for a few days as she began recovery from a broken hip. Now we are both home - me and Mickey, that is. Today was Matt and Teela's wedding. It was beautiful and the reception was fun - lots of dancing! ALSO, a lot of work! I am tired - but not sleepy. Does anyone hear me? I think I'm too exhausted to sleep. Jackie went to India yesterday and didn't quite make it there. She got stuck in Bangkok. That was pretty tense. Now she is in a hotel where she will stay for another day and a half. At least, Lacey said she is laughing about it now. Her trip over there is turning into a 5 day adventure. Oh, well, at least she will have a good story to tell. My house is a wreck!! We have been coming and going for about 2 weeks and just dropping things where ever they land when we come in the door. Kelly, Aaron and Asher are coming for pre-Christmas this year. They will be here on the 20th and leave on Christmas Eve-Eve. Guess it will just be me and Mickey and Mom and Dad for Christmas this year. I'm ok with it, I think. My hip is a little out of whack - it happens when you get old. I found my wedding dress at the bottom of a barrel at Mom's house - yellow as a pumpkin and all wrinkled. I just couldn't throw it away. Now...what am I going to do with this crumpled up, discolored mess that I am calling a wedding dress? All in all, God is good. He is my Rock and my Salvation. I am going through Psalms and underlining all of the verses that point to the nations and God's glory in bringing them out of darkness into His light. That really is what it is all about - not me. So, with that, I think I can sleep now - and I'm out of here.

Friday, November 10, 2006

LIfe's twists

I am a "myspacer" and a "blogger", too. I spent some time this morning just sitting at the computer doing those two things. I love to follow the "comment" trail. It is fun when I find people whom I had lost and read about their lives. Sometimes it is joyful - sometimes not so much. Anyway, I have observed something that I would like to discuss here. In my searching, I have found at least two young Christian men who have made dramatic lifestyle changes since I last saw them. They are of different generations and don't know each other. I would love to sit long and talk much with them. These young men were very actively involved with their local church as young people - sold out to Christ, if you will. As they grew up and had different experiences, they began searching for something more. In the world, both found what they felt they had always been looking for. They are both now, out of the closet and living in gay relationships. One is what I would call, almost a "militant" gay man and the other embracing his new found life in "extravagance". Both have left the traditional church setting yet neither has renounced his relationship with Christ. Not that it matters, but I do believe that each of them made a commitment to Christ and that it can not be ripped away because of the sin that they have allowed into their lives. I believe we are saved by grace and that actions can not change that. (I know some will disagree with me - but so be it) The thing that has astounded me the most is that both young men have a circle of Christian friends who apparently support them in their life decision. I am just trying to figure out if tolerance has crept into the world and sneaked into the hearts of Christians without our being aware. I am not suggesting that these young men should be ostracized or abandoned, I just wonder if any Christian friend has confronted, in love, what they are choosing as sin. It breaks my heart that on their blogs and myspace page they boldly portray their new found lives and loves and everyone is commenting with "good for you's" and "hope you're happy's" and "I love you, anyway's", but I don't see any comments of "I'm praying for you" or "let's talk". I hope there is more accountability than what I am seeing in these comments. Yes, love them - also, love them enough to pray for them and let them know you recognize their choices as sin and hold them accountable. I really don't think that blogging or myspace is the place for deep conversation. Hopefully, I am barking up the wrong tree and in the privacy of personal conversation that has been done.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Little Eliot

If you really like blog reading, I have one for you. Kelly and Aaron have friends, Matt and Ginny Mooney, who created a blog - mostly dedicated to the story of their son's life, Eliot. Eliot was born with a chromosome disorder called Edwards Syndrome. The prospect of him living very long outside the womb was slim. Eliot just went home to be with Jesus a couple of weeks ago and was 99 days old when he went. Anyway, his story is so moving and the way that his young parents have cared for him and trusted our God for every moment is precious and I recommend that you spend some time there. Ginny is a jewelry designer and she has designed a necklace that she calls "Eliot". You can read more about it on their blog.

Monday, November 06, 2006

November 6 - Answers

This morning my mother had surgery. We have been waiting about six weeks for the answers to our questions surrounding the procedure. We are praising our Father for his care and his awesome loving kindness to us. The doctors were able to remove a large cyst from her abdomen with few complications. It appears to be benign. I was so pleasantly surprised to watch her "scoot" from the gurney onto her hospital bed with very little help when they brought her to her room. I know she is not completely out of the woods, but she was sitting up and drinking when I went in to see her a while ago, tonight. She is eighty-one and I am so grateful for the good report so far.

Mickey is very close to officially having a job. The company who bought his former company is preparing a written job offer as we speak. Hallelujah! In a short few days he should be out and about combing the country again. For those of you who have wondered - at least we discovered that his real job didn't include selling drugs or being a hit man after all! (It is an old joke with the young people who have graced our house in the last few years!) Any way, we are grateful for this news, as well. Now it will be up to us to be faithful to continue following and obeying our Lord's directives. He definitely has our attention.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Single Friend

Ok - so I said I am not a match maker because I am terrible at it, but I will tell you about my friend and you can check him out, if you want to. He is one of mine and Mickey's dearest friends. He is tall and dark complected with a killer smile and kind eyes. He loves the Lord more than he will ever love anyone else and serving Him is his life. He is an associate pastor of our church where he serves with youth, college and singles. We have gone on several trips together - Passion a couple of times and 3 mission trips plus one family vacation and a lot of little family trips. He is so much fun and is looking for a mate who is fun. He loves to play games of all kinds. He is not highly athletic but is very hard to beat at racket ball - one of his big interests.
He sings very well and plays the piano well, too. He is highly creative and a huge ideas person. He is 36 years old and has never been married. He is looking for a single, never married girl who wants to work beside him in ministry. He is loyal. He is financially secure and a good steward of his money. I'm not going to tell you any weaknesses because if you decide to visit him on myspace and get to know him and then start to date him, you would be mad at me for saying he has faults of any kind. Ok - so that is all. Now you can go to my myspace page and try to figure out which friend I'm talking about and go to his page and leave him a comment - if you are a single woman!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Whew! Last 10 - Here goes!

1) I prefer my water to be straight from the tap with no ice and to stand at the sink while I drink it
2) When I doodle, I draw question marks
3) I appreciate a-symmetrical objects more than symmetrical
4) My biggest pet peeve is people who leave shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. I will return mine even if it is so cold I can't stand it or I get soaked by rain. I also retrieve others from the parking lot.
5) I hate tongue pimples (inflamed taste buds) and to burn my tongue.
6) I am writing a story, "Journey of a Journeyman's Mother".
7) I love four and five year olds - they are great people with whom to chat.
8) In general, I am not very competitive, but give me something I care about and I can dig my heels in
9) I like to hold hands and to hug people. I don't mean just romantically - but with people for whom I care, just because I like being near them. I think touch is very important.
10) I am happy to be done so that I can write better and more interesting things...

See Ya' 'round!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

20 and counting!

1) I am married to a man who spells his name like a mouse!
2) I function very well with a lot on my plate - seasonally.
3) I am thinking about cremation as an option for disposal of my body when I am dead
4) I think there is nothing wrong with Halloween and it is a fun holiday. I like ghosts and goblins in the make-believe world. I don't like demons, however, in reality - and I do believe they exist.
5) If I had to choose between having a privacy fence or an open back yard - I would choose open - it is just freeing to see for miles and watch the snow fall in the distance.
6) Some people I miss - my Grandma and Grandpa, my Aunt Violet and Aunt Joan, my Aunt Bessie. My mother is the only sibling (including her brothers-in-law) left in her family and my father has only one sister left besides himself (including his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law) - she lives in California.
7) I am a list maker - just not necessarily a list follower.
8) I am cell phone illiterate.
9) I had my ears pierced with needles by my neighbor after she had frozen them with ice cubes
10) I take some time every Christmas just to sit alone in a quiet, dark room and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink - and reflect on Christmases past

JUST 10 more!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Likes and Dislikes and one admission!

1) I could spend an hour just smelling of candles or bottles of lotion in the store.
2) I could eat my weight in raw peanuts
3) My favorite childhood book was "Arty the Smarty", a tale about a fish that didn't want to go to "school" and was always swimming in the opposite direction from everyone else.
4) Although I am not "hooked" on it and don't watch it every day, I like to watch Judge Judy and eat popcorn
5) I cried when Michael Landon died.
6) I despise having to buy new blue jeans. I'd like to keep my broken in ones forever.
7) I love cats. Mickey and my sister, Jo, are very allergic to them so I can't have one.
8) I didn't realize it but I have a broken watch collection. I don't know why I can't throw one away - but I just keep saving them as if someone might want them some day. They are not even expensive or unusual - just broken.
9) This is an admission - I admit that I am a terrible photographer. Every picture I make is shaky and out of focus with the exception of one or two out of about every 20 but I still keep making them.
10) I enjoy people who are story tellers. I would never be bored with them.

Twenty more and it is a good thing because I am running out of things about me.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Again - More about me

1) I don't like watching scary movies - I peek through my fingers to watch the scariest parts.
2) I scream from the moment a roller coaster leaves until the moment it stops - at the top of my lungs
3) I can not move mattresses - it make me laugh and I am useless. Really, I don't know why, but it makes me laugh. It makes Mickey mad and so he just tells me to stop and he does it by himself - it is easier.
4) I really can not think of an earthly possession that I could not do without.
5) I love to lay on a blanket and look at the stars.
6) Purses are such a great accessory - so why do I ALWAYS carry the same one? Lazy I guess.
7) Speaking of accessories, I love pins. I always look at pins in the jewelry section.
8) Have I mentioned that my feet are numb? I miss feeling with my feet. That is definitely one of the things I look forward to in Heaven some day
9) I have all of the love letters that Mickey wrote me when we were dating. I think I want them to be buried with me.
10) If I had time for a new hobby, I would want to learn how to throw pottery.

Just 30 more - 3 more postings. Won't you be glad when it is over??

Thursday, October 19, 2006

One liners on the downhill side of 100 things

1) Sometimes I bite my nails
2) I sleep with earplugs almost every night
3) If I have to choose a favorite number, I choose 7 - but I don't mean it.
4) I would like to learn Spanish
5) I have always thought that I will die young. (Guess that didn't come true!)
6) At one time, I had a Dr. Pepper addiction.
7) I hate to procrastinate, but I do.
8) I have "address" OCD - can't throw one away, even if I have multiple copies.
9) Mickey and I think people think we are the "Information Station".
10) I think laughing cures almost anything.

I'm out of here for a couple of days!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

50 - Almost my age!!

1) My favorite things when I was growing up were paper dolls, Barbie Dolls, and stuffed animals
2) I just had a flash back - when I was little, me and my next door neighbor and best friend used to love a TV show called "Honey West". She was a secret agent. We played like we were secret agents all the time. We couldn't both be Honey West, so we made up Connie West (that was me) who was her side kick. Wonder why I wasn't Honey?
3) I am crafty - I like to scrapbook - wish I had more time for it
4) If I ever go bald, please don't look at the mole on the side of my head
5) I like to work jigsaw puzzles - especially at Christmas and when I feel stressed out
6) I am the only grandchild on my father's side that my grandmother never knew about. She died before I was born and I am the youngest. I hope to meet her and talk a long time with her in Heaven.
7) I really like rainy days when I can stay in doors - and thunderstorms
8) My favorite vacation was to New York City last year with my girls, son-in-law, Mickey and our friend, Mark. I think I could vacation there and never get tired of it.
9) I don't like rap but I love Toby Mac concerts - "...ticket to ride..."
10) I totally avoid alcohol and with the exception of an accidental drink of a strawberry daiquiri (I don't even know how to spell it!) in High School and trying a sip of champagne at a wedding after I was an adult (which I hated, by the way), I have never partaken of it. I think it is a bad decision for the most part, but not necessarily a sin.

OK - next time I will be on the downhill side of 100 and maybe I won't take the liberty to preach so much!! Catch you then.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Only 10 more to the halfway point

1) I get into the water slowly - no jumping in for me
2) My favorite thing to wear is a new warm sweatshirt and a pair of jeans
3) I hang up on telemarketers - immediately - don't even respond or say a word - just hang up.
I used to try to be nice, then I started lying - I decided the best thing to do is just hang up.
4) It looks like I (actually, we - Mickey is going, too) will be moving back in with my parents soon - never thought that would really happen - but it is a life cycle. They are excited. I am ok with it.
5) I need to memorize more scripture - I am bad at it.
6) If I could change two physical characteristics about me, one would be my teeth and the other would be my poochy-out stomach (thanks mom and grandma!)
7) I like to watch Westerns, Make-overs of all kinds, Court TV shows, Antique shows, and HGTV. I don't like "Reality" shows. BUT I do like The Office
8) If I could live at any other time in history, I think I would choose the 1800's. But I would want the option to return to modern day times at any time.
9) If I could have one super-power it would be to teleport from place to place
10) If I had the chance to be 20 once again, I would finish my college education and I would get a degree in Writing or Religion. I would write article for magazines and other publications,

OK - that is 40 - just 10 more to go for the first half - Are you bored with me yet??

Sunday, October 15, 2006

More things about me

1) Even though I only have biological daughters, I have several young men that I count as almost sons
2) Mickey makes me laugh more than anyone!
3) I wish that I would not stink - I would NEVER take showers if I didn't
4) I would like to make a whole pan of Rice Krispy treats and eat them all in one sitting
5) I have never been snow skiing - and have no great desire to go
6) I hate coffee - but I am discovering a new love of cappuchinos
7) I love to have my back and neck rubbed - the harder the better
8) I have never been skinny dipping and think that I will probably never go - way too modest for that
9) I detest communication to India!!
10) My favorite color is purple!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Second try-Second posting of ten things about me

1) I can whistle REALLY loud - to get a crowd's attention
2) I don't have a college degree, but I think they are very important!
3) I have zebra stripes in my bathroom and I have one leopard print pillow on my bed.
4) If it were socially acceptable for someone my age, I would have my hair cut really short and died bright blue - I did it once, and I really liked it.
5) I would like to attend a multi-cultural church
6) Ozlem is our "international" daughter - she is a Turkish/German girl.
7) Johnnie Johnson, the debated Godfather of Rock-n-Roll, (of Chuck Berry's "Johnny B Goode") entertained at a private Christmas party in Houston, which I attended. I sat on the piano bench with him as he played. My only claim to fame.
8) I broke my toe about six weeks ago. Will it ever heal??
9) Once, when I was dating - way back when - I snapped a clip on tie on my lip! Stupid thing to do. Don't try this at home.
10) I LOVE Settlers of Catan and Cities and Knights of Catan. My main two opponents are Mickey and Mark. We have a whole host of players and you can almost always find a game going at our house!

That is all for tonight!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Newly Inspired

I have been inspired to write a series of blogs about myself. I was inspired by Jennie when I read an old blog of hers - "100 things about me" or something like that. Now I don't think that I have enough time at one sitting to write 100 things so I decided that I will write a series of "10 things about me", beginning today. So here goes...

1) I grew up on a "half" street. I lived at 513 N. 7 1/2 Street in Paragould, Arkansas.
2) I had a couple of hiding places that I really liked growing up. The first one that I remember was a closet in my bedroom which was piled with blankets in the floor. I would go in there with a flashlight and read. The other one was in a mimosa tree in front of my house. In the summer, no one knew I was there. My dad knew that I used it as a get away and so he would keep stray branches from growing up in my "seat". The last time I sat in it, I was 17 and we were moving away.
3) I am a TERRIBLE match-maker (scarred because the only one I really think I had any thing to do with, divorced!). I talk about it, but would really NEVER do it.
4) I am not a very good long distance friend - in fact, I am NOT a long distance friend. I never keep in touch, even though I never forget people.
5) I like white, clean, new socks
6) I get bored at night when I am bed and everyone else in the house is asleep.
7) I hated math in school, but I am actually pretty good at it.
8) I discovered that I get satisfaction from doing very odd things - such as, folding paper with a nice sharp crease.
9) The sound of a train passing by is comforting to me - I remember listening to the distant trains pulling through Paragould after I had gone to bed as a child. I also enjoy the whirring noise of an eighteen-wheeler passing by on a lonesome highway - it reminds me of nights at my grandparents' house.
10) I am afraid of - alligators, grizzly bears, and sharks (stupid because we don't live near any of them - too much Discovery Channel, I think.

OK - that is all for today. I sure wish someone else would get inspired and do the same on their blog - and let me know. I really like reading blogs! (Oops, I think that was 11!)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Waiting and trusting

We are coming to the end of two months of "waiting". We have been waiting on so many things in our lives as of late. Some of those things have come around and the wait is over - Asher was born, my broken toe is getting better, we are home now, Perspectives will survive even if we must leave - all those are good things. Other things are still hanging out there - job hunting, my mom's health, the means by which I can participate in reaching the nations. Yesterday, God added a word to what he has been telling me about "waiting". It is "trusting". So I continue - "waiting and trusting".

Monday, September 25, 2006

More About Asher...

Well, the Parks family had their first "outing" today. Asher went to see his new pediatrician. He is 7 lbs and 5 ounces - just about right for his expected weight loss and regain. He is a little "pumpkin" colored - but I think he is just trying to be seasonal. Actually, the doc said it was fairly normal for newborns and the jaundice will begin going away in the next day or two. SO, he got to sunbathe a little today - not that he needs it for his tan (he looks very much like his mommy and appears to have her beautiful skin tone). His coloring puts ME to shame! He sleeps almost all the time and only fusses a little when he is hungry. He doesn't cry and scream a lot - yet, any way. So Dundee and I will be here for a few more days and then leave him in the totally capable hands of his parents. It has been wonderful to get to be here and get to know him. We will make it a more traveled path, I'm sure! Mickey and some great friends are playing for the FCA Mini-Conference in Batesville this weekend, so we need to go home for the event. I am looking forward to that!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Asher Everett Parks

Asher and his Nanna! Isn't he beautiful?

Asher and his beautiful mother, Kelly! She did so well - like a champ!

Asher and his Dundee - that's right, Dundee!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My grandson ...

He is finally here! And he really is beautiful! His name is Asher Everett Parks and he was born on Sept. 20 at 8:13 pm. He is 7 lbs and 9 oz and 21 inches long. We went in to see him and found him in his mother's arms, all bundled up and sucking his thumb! He has a lot of hair and it is a little wavy - dark, but I don't think as dark as Kelly's was when she was born. Kelly thinks his eyes will be blue, but I think it was like looking into her eyes as a newborn - they are blue, but not a really blue blue - so who knows. One thing for sure - he definitely has Kelly's nose!! He was alert and very happy. Asher was one of the tribes of Israel and means "happy" and Everett means "strong warrior". We stood and watched them weigh him in and give him shots and measure everything possible. Aaron is such a proud father, protector, and gentle, loving husband - my God ordained, son. I want to post some pictures, but that will have to wait until tomorrow - I'm about to crash and want to go see him early tomorrow!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

September the 19th is just minutes away! If our grandson should happen to be born on the 19th, we would have another reason to celebrate on that day each year - he would be born on "Talk Like a Pirate Day"!! I have been talking about having a party on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" all year long and wouldn't it be just grand if we got to have a "pirate" birthday party every year? If he comes on that day, Mickey and I are going to wear eye patches and bandannas to the birthing!! We are thinking about bringing him a little patch, too. HA! So, the low down, maties, is that the little high seas ruffian hasn't kicked his way into the cruel world to receive his booty yet - so, shiver me timbers - if he does, we'll send ye all a note in a bottle!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not Yet, still

It is Sunday night and we are in Lowell. Mickey is snoring and I am AWAKE!! Kelly is a beautiful full nine months pregnant and Aaron is an anxious father. When we arrived, Kelly was dressed up to go to her 7th grade girls' group meeting. She was wearing her favorite "blue" maternity top and a cute blue jean skirt. She looks ready to pop! I don't know if I will EVER sleep - I keep listening for sounds of movement in the other part of the house. Any way, we are here! I called on my way today and asked to speak to my grandson- Kelly put the phone up to him and I told him that it will be ok for him to come now - I am here! I will post as soon as he complies!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I thought I would post once before "he" comes!! Mickey is snoring and I am "waiting"! We are so excited about the birth of our first grandchild - grandson!! We can't wait to meet him and know his name. Kelly and Aaron have chosen to keep that to themselves until they can "introduce" him to us. We will get the call first, because we are so far away. I don't want her labor to be long - just long enough for us to get there (4 hours, give or take). If he doesn't come by the weekend, we are thinking that we will go ahead and go to NWarkansas so that we can be there, for sure. Keep checking back each day - we will post from Kelly's house about all the details - and hopefully a picture or two!!

Nanna and Dundee (that's right - Mickey and Aaron are planning on teaching him "Dundee", Mickey's golf course name)

Friday, July 14, 2006

"Passion for the Heart of God"

I am reading a book called "Passion for the Heart of God" by John Zumwalt. I've heard John speak twice in Perspectives of the World Christian Movement, a college level course - basically concerning missions. He is a riveting speaker with stories of God's glory all over the world. He stayed in our home this year when he spoke at our Batesville class. Mickey and I enjoyed his company very much. I knew that I would like any book that he had written. I am not disappointed.

I have been reading it slowly - trying to soak it all in. I know I will go back and reread it, maybe many times. John gets it!! He expresses it, well, too. Sometimes he is a little sarcastic but it is well placed sarcasm. I like it.

You may ask, "What does he 'get'?" The ultimate purpose for our being is to glorify God by allowing Him to use us to bring the nations to know Him and to participate in the increase of his Kingdom. He has already won the victory - now He is preparing a place for some of every tribe, tongue, and nation to gather around Him, rejoicing together in Heaven. That we must participate by praying for the nations and for God to get and receive His own glory - and that He loves us enough to include us in His plan. That when we pray - we pray for this end and not so much about our petty problems and our personal comforts. That our blessings come from participating in His work - even though it means suffering with and for the sake of Him. That hard times bring us closer to Him and in the end, others can see our enduring of suffering and His compassion and will come to know Him - His goal for our suffering, as it was His Son's. Most of all, that He calls us - all of us - to "go" to the nations.

Yes, I do believe we are ALL given a MANDATE to go!! MANY of us need to actually simplify our lives, put on courage and physically go to a dark place in the world who has never heard the name of Jesus and are ALL dying and going to hell because they don't know Him. Yes, He does expect us to leave our jobs, our families, our homes, our comforts and our comfort zone to follow Him. Some of us need to give large amounts of our money - simplify our lives to enable us to do so, get out of debt, seek out those who will physically go - commit to a different lifestyle so that others may go. Some of us need to commit LARGE amounts of time to praying for the nations and those who will actually go and those who will actually send. The world is also coming to our doorsteps. We have the world coming to us by way of the Universities and Colleges in the US. If we give them Jesus while they are here, then THEY can go home and can be much more effective among their own people than we ever could. BUT we have to engage them while they are here, and the door of opportunity is small - usually four to five years. We must prepare our young people to go - to be spiritually prepared and aware of His mandate. We must teach our brothers and sisters and children about the mandate and hold them to a high standard, expecting them to be goers, too. We must pray for our children to be used in other lands, for His sake.

He gets it! The end is near - the time when every tribe, tongue and nation will be reached and we will gather around His throne. There is an urgency to tell! He is coming again - but not until every nation knows of His love! I believe that it will not be tonight unless He chooses to reveal Himself in a supernatural way to all those nations who have never heard. I am grateful that He includes us in His plan and we get blessings because of it. We must fall in love with Him enough to want to see His return! We must "love His return". I still pray for that to be my "true love".

Wow! I didn't know I am so passionate about this! But, praise God!!

Take "Perspectives" if you get a chance! The information is life changing and the fellowship is sweet. I'm not sure how you can get John's book, but I recommend it!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Personal Preferences

Ever since our church has been in "worship wars", as it has been labeled, I have heard so many people say, "You really should not express your 'personal preferences' and we must all 'defer to one another in Christian love'." Now I know that deferring to one another in love is a Biblical concept and even though it is hard, it is the right thing to do. However, I don't think that having a personal preference is wrong - or even expressing it. We have lumped the two together so much that now what we have is people being afraid of being politically/spiritually incorrect by saying what they like or don't like and even saying, "I don't care what kind of music we have." So - I am going to tell you what I personally like, and maybe what I don't like, too! I like new music. I love praise and worship music accompanied by many forms of instrumentation. I like guitars, drums, flutes, pianos, keyboards, penny whistles, and harmonicas. I like lots of harmony contrasted with octave single melody lines. I like some eighties music being sung by an ensemble with four or six part harmony and accompanied by well done tapes. I like solo singing with a video in the background. I like many styles of music, but not too much of any one kind - that just bores me. Well, truthfully, I could sing praise and worship music, when it is done well, all night long without being bored. I can take a little country, a little rap, and some gospel. I will tolerate hard rock and even screamo, if I love the people who are playing it. I love hymns. I never want to be completely without hymns - they are a rich heritage and the words are comforting and meaningful. I love hymns done with a new arrangement mostly, but on occasion I like them played simply on the piano. I don't like to sing the same old choruses that I have been hearing for forty years and pretend they are meaningful or even "new". I would like to put many of them to rest. I don't like learning "old" choruses that I never knew but can tell by the style that they are past their prime. Most of them are cheesy. I enjoy choir music, when it is done with excellence - we just don't have that much any more. I like to sing in the congregation. I don't like to wear choir robes and I think they are pretentious. I like using the screen. I also don't mind using hymn books - but want to use the screen for choruses because I like to read the words - they are not in the hymn books. I like a worship service led by a team of people rather than just one person. Of course, the team needs to be led by someone, though. I am not as fond of "solos" as I used to be - but I like them on occasion. I like standing, sitting, raising hands, closing eyes, dark or bright rooms, scripture and prayer, and videos or slide shows. I like the room full of young and old people together, praising Jesus. I like instruments only, sometimes - with words on the screen just to read, sometimes.

I am sure I haven't covered it all - but I feel better, just because I got to say it. I DO prefer some music over others. Ahhhh!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I am experiencing restlessness in my heart. I am not sure exactly how to explain the feeling. In fact, it makes writing this entry almost impossible. I have started over several times. For the past couple of weeks, I have been given so much "bad news". I don't know how else to put it. Some of it is life threatening (not mine - friends and family), some of it heart-breaking, some of it life-changing (again, not mine - friends and family)... Much of it weighs on my heart heavily. Yet in all of this, I am personally pretty much at peace. I think that is my conflict. People all around me are being affected by burdens and I am just gliding along - not exceptionally happy or giddy, but just, as I said, at peace. I'm grateful that my personal life is not full of drama right now, but I still ache for my friends and family who are experiencing it daily. OK - I'm done. I wanted to go back and erase my ramblings because I am not making sense, even to myself - and so I am finished. I think I will just praise God because He is good!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Right now I am just so frustrated! I really thought that communication with Lacey would be easier than it is. I talked to her today and had to call her three or four times during our conversation because the line kept dropping. That means that I had to dial eleven numbers and wait for the calling card lady to tell me how much money I have on my card and then instruct me to dial the other fifteen numbers which would be her phone number and then wait while someone told me to "please hold" at least three or four different times - then I had to wait on the phone to ring and Lacey to answer. At some point she told me that she had sent me and email - two days or so ago - and asked if I had received it -the answer is NO! So my email is somewhere in cyber space and I keep checking to see if I am ever going to get it. On top of all of that - I sent her a suitcase full of stuff from home only to find out the B&BW soap had opened and spilled all over everything in the suitcase which had been ripped open by someone or something at the airport. I was so sad that I had not packed the soap in zip lock bags, to which she said with a laugh, "Well, live and learn". I think they recovered a lot of the stuff because I had packed a lot of the other stuff in zip lock bags. It was just frustrating.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Last Wedding for a While

Amanda Miller got married last week! I must say, the wedding was a flood of emotions for me that I didn't expect. First of all, Amanda was wearing the same wedding dress that Kelly wore in her wedding. She was beautiful! And so happy!! All of Lacey's girls were beautiful, too. They each were wearing a "citrus" green tea length skirt and had each chosen different coordinating tops. It was so interesting, waiting to see what the next bridesmaid was wearing. There were eight bridesmaids. Mollie sang and one of Jack's friends sang - both were excellently done and very moving. As Amanda left the church building on her new husband's arm, she let out a "whoop" that we could hear back in the church house! The reception had very good food with cheesecake for the groom's table. Amanda sang a song to Jack with Mollie backing her up and playing guitar. There were a lot of personality dynamics there - people you would be surprised to find in the same place - but all was good. It was a celebration for which everyone has been waiting. I wish Lacey could have been there!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Jennifer getting ready for her wedding

I just realized that I dont' have a "finished product" picture of Jenn or of Jenn and Kyle. When I get one - I will post it.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Byers

Monday, May 29, 2006

Blue Man Group

Our last day in Chicago, we planned a "free" day. We all got on the subway and went to downtown Chicago. We found the visitors center and everyone chose an activity to do for the afternoon and evening. Our friend, Justin Walden, wanted to go back to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs/Braves play and so Mickey and I went with him. It just seems right that when in Chicago, you should see a little baseball!! Everyone else went to the "Million Dollar Mile" shopping strip and sight seeing and the Surgical Museum. It was a good afternoon. The Braves came back to win in the 9th inning. It was just funny to see the fans turn on their boys so quickly!! AND THEY DID!!

We went and ate some Chicago-style Pizza (which was actually, pretty bad - our choices were probably not the best!) and then on to the Briar Theatre to see The Blue Man Group! You know, the men painted blue all over that were featured in the Cingular commercial?? It was AWESOME, at the risk of using and old, overused word! The show consists of a small, but great, band of a bassist, a guitarist, and a drummer, as well as three men covered in blue, head to toe, wearing brown tunics, and a videographer. The blue men are center stage and play drums and other crazy rhythm instruments - sometimes, as they pour bottles of paint on them causing them to spray all over the front rows of the audience. The front rows are dressed in plastic coverings. The show is a totally interactive attempt to include the audience in the process of creating art in all forms (drama, modern art, sculptures, comedy, music - and this list doesn't even cover it!). We were on the back row, so we were in charge of "toilet paper" - now, I am not going to spoil it for you by telling you what that means!! It was great fun and I highly recommend seeing it!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006


First I must say, "I'm sorry". I just realized that the pictures have not been downloaded to my computer yet and I just can't do it right now. Wedding pictures - later.

OK, so Mickey and I left the wedding in the late afternoon on Saturday and arrived in Chicago at about 4:00 am. Mark had two couches cleared for us to drop into when we came in. He met us at the door of the church and we didn't waste any time finding our places. If you know me, you know that I still didn't sleep! It was all so strange and Mickey began sleeping immediately and SNORING loudly - I felt so sorry for everyone, that I felt it my duty to shake him every few minutes to keep him from getting too loud. You see, there were thirteen of us and all thirteen people were on air mattresses and couches in the same room - sleeping. That night we all bonded, pretty well. We actually had a snoring symphony going on with some talking, groaning and "whee-ing" mixed in (not to mention the unmentionable gas passing that happens to you unaware in the middle of the night!) The next morning I made it very clear that even though it was a small church, we did have other room choices and I would be making one for the next night for MYSELF. I also chose one for Mickey - far away from everyone else. Eventually, every snorer and noise maker was kicked out of the main room or left by choice.

So, a little about the church - they call themselves C3 - Chicagoland Community Church. They are a small church in the inner city of Chicago. They cater to the "Post modern" communities around them which is actually "Post Christian" as well. It is a difficult ministry. Two blocks from the church is where the homosexual community gathers - they own shops, provide entertainment, and support the transvestites and homosexual communities. There are rainbows on everything on the street. Two blocks in another direction is the "Goth" communities gathering place. You find the same thing there - they own shops, provide entertainment and support the Goth community. Surrounding the church are beautiful old restored homes and also new architecturally appropriate new homes. Most of them are "flats" and rented or sold separately from one another. This is where the "yuppies" live. The housing is expensive and much desired by these young professionals. There are some homeless, and quite a few run aways on the surrounding streets, too. So, as you can see, we were totally out of our element - challenged to completely leave our comfort zone!

We would sleep on blow up air mattresses, shower in the ONE shower available, and lock ourselves in and out of the building each time we came or went any where.

Pastor Jon Pennington had so many prayer requests when we asked him. He is a man with a huge amount on his plate! He juggles all of those communities and also has another church which shares the building - which has a totally different vision for their ministry than C3.

I really could write a play by play of all the things that happened this week, but you would almost have to be there to get the full impact. Each day, we did maintenance on the church (painted their sanctuary and bathrooms), found a park where we took our puppet shows and played with preschoolers, played Frisbee and basketball with the teenagers, and surveyed any one who would allow us to. It was a full and wonderful week and I am very tired. I am going to go to bed now, but stick around tomorrow or then next day - I want to tell you about the "Blue Man Group", which we saw! Awesome!!

Wedding number 2

We attended the wedding of our niece, Jennifer, last weekend. I helped Brenda a little on Friday with last minute preparations. Coletta, Mickey's sister and Kelly and Aaron arrived on Friday evening and it was fun spending time with them. Kelly had been to the doctor for her "find-out-what-the-baby-is" ultra sound. Bless the little dickens heart, already the baby is turning to Jesus - I can't say "he" or "she" because the baby was in praying position!! Baby Parks had the knees completely together and was modestly not going to change positions for anyone! They will try again in four weeks, but I am not getting my hopes up! (I still think it is a boy!)

Any way, Jennifer's and Kyle's wedding was very beautiful and I think just what the mothers and the couple wanted - the only people that matter, you know. Jenn had a gorgeous form fitted strapless gown with a chapel length train (I think). Her veil was fingertip length (I think). She was beautiful! There was a LOT of pink at the wedding - hot pink. The groomsmen wore black tuxes with hot pink accessories (OH, yes, they did!) There were pink flowers, pink bridesmaid dresses, pink bows, and even a pink light in the baptistery! It was lovely - and pink. By the way, Sarah was in the wedding and looked beautiful, too - in her pink dress!

The reception was at the church with cake, punch and a fruit table with a white chocolate fountain. Now the great thing was, the wedding began at 2:00 pm at Muldrow, Oklahoma and their honeymoon flight left Fort Smith, Arkansas at 4:50 pm. The wedding was about 35 minutes long and the reception was a quick eating of the cake and drinking the punch and a few "glad you cames" ending with a changed bride and groom running to the car under a rain shower of white bird seed (cup fulls, thank you). We don't know yet if they made it or not, but I must say, they were certainly brave for trying. All in all, it was good food, good family, and good fun and now they are Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Price.

Quick as a wink the family and friends cleaned up the reception hall and the sanctuary for the next morning. We could have almost made the 4:50 flight!! I am going to try to post a couple of pics, but don't cry if it doesn't work! Mickey and I headed toward Chicago - I will blog more about it separately - check it out!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Late Nights and Life Goes On

In the last month, I have had so many people look at me with "long faces", as my mother would say, and ask caringly, "So, you are really empty nesting, now. Right? How are you?" It kind of makes me giggle inside - every night (almost) during the last week we have had a table full of college students and new grads gathered 'round - who by the way, stayed past midnight. Last night we had six at the table and another five or six in the living room, just hanging out. Empty nesting? I'm not sure we know what that is yet. God has filled our lives richly and kept us busy with lots of young people and we are grateful.

We do miss Lacey in our every day lives. We talked to her today over "Skype". It was one of the clearest connections that we have had to date. Mickey has always made her laugh a lot. She laughed so much today - and it was so good to hear. At one point he had to tell her to stop laughing long enough to hear what he was saying (there is a sort of weird delay). Just as we had gotten warmed up though, the "prince of the power of the air" interrupted us. We got cut off and couldn't ever regain a connection. The worst part about that is not getting to say "goodbye" and "I love you" - no real closure to the conversation. Maybe I will just start out the conversation with that from now on.

Kelly is feeling the baby move a lot these days and Aaron finally got to feel it kick. She is not as sick as before and is beginning to really need the maternity clothes - but still mixing regular in sometimes, too. We get to know what the baby is on Friday this week! I'm going to say it here - I think it is a boy. Why? I don't know - I just am guessing and I think it is a boy. We will see them this weekend at Jennifer Jones' (our niece) wedding.

Following the wedding, we will drive all night to Chicago! Next week we will be with about 10 college students on mission trip at an inner-city church in Chicago. We are very excited about it. Mickey and I will get there in time for our own Sunday morning service that we plan to have on the lake somewhere. We will be doing all kinds of things (serving in a soup line, maintenance around the church and neighborhood, beach/park ministry to children, marketing-outreach (I think we are going to have a lemonade stand) and other things. We so look forward to the trip.

Perspectives is over. We had our celebration night, last night. It was great to hear the testimonies of what Perspectives has meant in the students' lives and how they will use what they have learned. I am excited for the next step.

With all of that, I guess I will spend my summer going to weddings. Tim and Jacklyn were the first to be married this past weekend. The wedding was beautiful (although the only way I know that is because Mickey and I crashed it - we weren't invited, as no one outside the immediate family was). It was in Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs beside a waterfall, which along with the birds provided the music. Yes, Tim did get a little "wet" eyed and so did Jacklyn. We wish them a long and happy life together.

OK - since I am really tired and Mickey has given the snoring a rest for the last few minutes, I think I will go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow getting ready for our trip.

Monday, May 08, 2006

On the brink of a new generation

About 9 years ago, we moved back to Batesville. Kelly was 17 and Lacey was 14. That is when our world as we know it today, came into existence. We lived in a house with a big back room, just perfect for teenage entertaining. The first of our regulars were Kyle Barnhill, Clint Crain, and on occasion Kevin Combs along with Cindy and Amy Woolf, Emily Baker, and Haley Butler. Scores of others began appearing regularly. Tim Meitzen and his girlfriend Carma would show up sometimes, along with Daren Neely - First Baptist's youth director, and Landon Wehrung with Bethany Klonowski. There were random homecoming and prom dates such as Ryan Scoggins, Ryan Reveley, Alex Jeffrey, Robert Garrison, Joel Goodin, Eric Long and Jonathan Bunch who made appearances (taking one of the five girls). During Kelly's Senior year at Batesville David Manning and Matt Middlecamp surfaced to join the already long established Leah Cooper and John Redmond. At some point, Lacey brought home, her now long time friend, Tim Byers. There were several other soccer players and foreign exchange students who graced our home, too. Mark Davis and TJ Stroud attended a few open parties and some chicken spaghetti dinners during those days. Ozlem became a vital part of our lives during her stay in America, and remains much like a daughter, even today. Life long church friends, Angie Appleget and Gloria Gatlin were there for church parties and special events. In her Sophomore year, Lacey met and introduced us to Brandon Smart, Stephen Settles, and Micah Dailey who brought along Joe Young. Patty Gordon and Brian Hirschey were two more who were seen around our house during Lacey's Senior year in High School. Some time in there, probably during the time we hosted a Senior High Bible Study in our home, Holly Moody, Jennifer Hawkins, Jessica Middleton and Pam Nuckolls, showed up. We also became aquainted with the other Klonowski girls, Alexis and Jesse. Chris McIlravy and Sam Nuckolls, who were a little older, became connections that we made mostly through associational meetings and camps. Then of course there was always Jackie Martin, my niece, who truly belongs to us and spent an amazing amount of time with us. Julie Whitener, Jon David and Kristy Parker, and Jacob Martin didn't spend as much time at our house, but were still important to our family. I am sure that I have left someone, probably very important, off the list as I am thinking back over the years. At any rate, we have seen a lot of young people grow up and been blessed to be a part of their lives. Many of these named here are now married, some with children of their own, or graduated from college and starting new careers. We don't see them as much as we used to. Some, we don't see at all any more. Some of the ones that we really spent a lot of time with, still come around when they are in Batesville. What a joy to hear about their successes and even their failures that have caused them to grow. Most of them are successful adults now. Even as I write this, and have a bitter sweet nostalgic feeling, I am excited about the next wave - the next generation. From our tiny little apartment last night, I locked the door at midnight as I watched five new graduates - college bound students - leave my house.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stuck in Springtime

One of my favorite memories is of a day in the spring, a few years ago, when both of my daughters were at home. It began to pour rain - a quick spring shower - with no lightning or wind. We all looked at each other and with hardly a word, quickly took off our shoes and ran out into the front yard. We made a dash for the ditch across the street and put our feet in the muddy, swift flowing stream it had quickly become. Not long after, as the rain slowed down and the sun reappeared, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. For me, it was bliss.

Today was one of those memory making days - only this time, I was on my own. It poured buckets full of rain. I have been trying to walk every day - even though I hate to walk - I know it is good for me - I just hate to do it, but not today. Everything was so fresh and alive. The trees were full of singing, happy birds, the ditches were full of rushing water which turned them into babbling brooks, and the scent of honey suckle in the air was delicious. Every sense in my body was standing at attention. I stopped and listened to the water as it gushed up on the rocks in a miniature imitation of a giant wave smashing against a seaside cliff. I walked slowly some times looking straight up to behold the clouds breaking up, revealing the blue sky and escaping sunbeams. As I walked by a pasture full of horses, even though I don't like horses, I stopped to watch a mother corral her colt, on wobbly legs, and head it in the right direction. Three daises were growing on the roadside by the fence, and I thought about picking them but decided to leave them. It just seemed that I didn't want to disturb anything and mess up the moment. As I rounded a corner, the sweetest aroma caught my attention. It reminded me immediately of something from the past. A rabbit bolted and hopped away. It was honey suckle - and not just a little of it. I don't know if the rain had beaten on it and released the abundant aroma or what, but I stopped, closed my eyes and just enjoyed it's fragrance for a little while. My mouth watered as I remembered plucking honey suckle, ever so long ago, and biting off the end hoping to catch a few drops of the sweet juice on the end of my tongue. How tempted I was to recreate that childhood memory. About that time I heard a familiar "plop" in the water that stood between the vine and me. I knew it was a happy frog, but something about the possibility of a snake crossed my mind and I decided to move on. After walking through puddle after puddle on the hard pavement, I coaxed myself to return to my apartment and give my tired feet a rest. What a glorious few minutes I had spent. Sometimes I would just like to get stuck in springtime!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Favorite blog sites

Some of my favorite blogs (I can't figure out how to add them to my links - maybe some other day)

I chase some others down through links from these. Let me know if you decide to join the ranks of bloggers so I can keep up with you.

Monday, April 17, 2006

What is not to love?

Thirty years ago...

April 17, 1976 is a great historical day. On that day, thirty years ago, Mickey and I had our first date. People think I am crazy when I say this, but it is true. I knew that day that I was going to marry him. Now, I wasn't in love with him, necessarily - we just fit. It was like a hand in glove. He had all of the character traits that I desired in a life long partner and friend. He complimented me. We both were already complete in Christ and so we were not looking for being "whole", just for someone with whom to walk the journey. That doesn't sound very romantic, I know - but we were not lacking in that department either. Some day I will write about the first time we said, "I love you" to each other. (Something to do with a leaf falling from a tree at just the right moment - I still have the leaf!) I honestly thought he was perfect. I couldn't find anything that I didn't like about him. Thirty years later, I know he is not perfect but I still don't find much that I don't like about him. On our first date, we went to a movie and then to my house. Pete and Jeannie Whitener were there, too. Mickey juggled oranges for me and accidentally made a perfect hoop through one of Mom's lamp shades. I was attracted to his ability to do or try to do almost anything. I met his family very soon. His father treated his mother like a queen. I knew he would do the same for me. What can I say? He still twangs my buds, like no other!

Friday, April 14, 2006

My Hero

My Hero
I want to write about my hero. My dad is 83 years old and I'm crazy about him. He was the first man to sit and talk with me in the wee hours of the night, the first man to tell me how beautiful I was, and the first man to bring me hand picked flowers. When I was very young, he tailored his precious hedge around our yard and left a gap so that me and my friend could always slip through and he made sure to keep the stray branches cut from my "hiding spot" in the tree so I would have a perfect place to sit. As a teenager, he always had an extra $5 to hand me on the weekend and gave up the keys to the car without flinching. He grew a mustache and parted his hair in the middle to look more "hip" in the 70's and listened to the top 40 on his car radio to help stay in touch with my brother and me. My dad is funny and fun. He is progressive and open to new ideas. A couple of years ago he got a computer and right now he is taking a college level course on missions so he can learn more about Lacey's heart beat. On Sunday, he gave his testimony for tithing. It was so beautiful and inspiring. He loves my Jesus and he taught me to love Him, too. Our church has purchased about fifteen acres of land to which we plan to move as the Lord leads. He has been so excited and working on the fund raising committee diligently. Even though many of our senior adults are opposed to this effort, he has stood firmly in his support of it. In an effort to utilize the land as it is now, our youth have been working on a prayer garden. He has been with them every step of the way, using his God given talent of gardening. I will forever have a mental picture of him with a shovel in hand, digging into the chat and moving it to polish off the look of a stepping stone at the entry. It was quite a picture to see him doing this with a backdrop of teenagers raking and planting. He has since then carried his sprinkler and hose out and spent three hours watering and tenderly caring for the prayer garden to insure the plants survive and it is a showy success for our Easter morning sunrise service. How blessed I am, just to have known him and called him dad.

Church Planting

The town I live in has a church on every corner - almost. Really. I was surprised, however, to find out a couple of years ago that my county is actually about eighty percent unchurched. That puzzled me. I did some quick and very unscientific math in my head and realized that it was probably true, though. Here in a relatively cultured small southern town in Arkansas right in the middle of the Bible belt, there are lots of unchurched people. Why? Just recently, I began taking a hard look at that question. When challenged with the question of where I would go if I wanted something different than First Baptist offered in the way of style of worship, I was dumbfounded. I realized that WE (churches) are ALL ALIKE. I know that some of us have different theology and denominational differences, but essentially we are all steeped in the same century old tradition. Now, don't go dogging me about tradition. I am really ok with it. And I don't think tradition is necessarily a bad thing. I just know that by the statistic that I am familiar with concerning my county, what we are doing is not reaching the unreached. What we are doing is reaching the already reached and just shuffling them around a little bit on occasion. Could we be be a little creative? Could we find a way to plant some churches that are relevant to the presently unchurched masses of people in our area? I don't know what that would look like, but I know that we must do it. I don't know who will be called to reach the subcultures of our community by stepping out of the box and thinking a new way. It is my prayer that our established "traditional" churches will have their eyes opened and be willing to lead in new endeavours to reach the unreached of our local community, the nation and the world by supporting an alternative church planting movement.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Daily Random Experiences

Sometimes life is just random. Things pop up from nowhere and sometimes they send you reeling and sometimes they make you jump up and down. I have had several random experiences in the last couple of days. One was an extreme irritation, one was an expected mixed-feeling surprise, and one was a delight. The irritation involved one person taking things too far. (How does climbing a building and shooting off fireworks equal the punishment of 60 hours of community service, a hundred dollar fine and campus suspension in a real world?) Now I'm not saying that no correction was deserved, just that it was over the top. This authority has gone over the top before, and there doesn't seem to be any thought of restoration as a part of the discipline - actually because it isn't discipline. It is punishment. THAT is what irritates me. The second random thing was an expected surprise. Now I know that is an oxymoron but it describes the experience. A friend is preparing to leave and pursue a different life. It was expected because nothing in life remains the same (except Jesus). It was a surprise because of the stepped up intensity in plans. I hate it when people leave my everyday life - but I love it when people pursue life with a passion. The last thing was the delight someone brought me. It was the reconnection with some old friends. Because of email, blogs and taking a shot in the dark, we were able to reconnect. Even though our lives have been separate for a long time, God has brought them back together in His time. Both of our children are in the same area of the world doing the same work. They will actually be in the same city in just a couple of weeks and probably - they will connect. So much emotion in so little time. Can't wait to see what today brings!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Link to Kelly and Aaron's sense of humor

For a good time see I have always known my family is a little whacked so I don't know why it surprises me when I find things like this. If you want to hear about the details of my grand baby, then read it all. If not, may I recommend the two stories that accompany pictures of Kelly and Aaron with "women of the NWA women's clinic". It will make you wonder about their sanity and how much free time they have on their hands. Should I really trust these two with my new grandchild? Comments on their questionable state of mind are welcome.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hello...cyber world!

I am going to be so excited if I did everything right. I decided on my own today that I would join the ranks of other folks who like to tell stories, spout wisdom, and share memories. I enjoyed surfing other blogger's sites when I was checking out Lacey's new site. I found many old friends there and I know there are more to explore. Right now, I don't have any neat new pictures to share and don't even have a good story to relate. If you find me - check me out in a few days. If this really works, I am sure that I will have something worthwhile to read and maybe an awesome picture to view!